% This case study investigates two investment strategies for a portfolio of hedge funds. % The first strategy rebalances the portfolio by solving an optimization % problem. % The second strategy, called "20-best", every time period selects 20 hedge funds % with the highest return (over available data) and give them equal weights. % Rebalancing in both strategies is done on monthly basis. % Out-of-sample numerical experiments demonstrate investment strategies in % a simulated historical environment. We consider the portfolio optimization with various % risk measures: CVaR, CDaR, MAD,... and Variance (code can handle any risk measure % included to PSG). Also, we take into account the market-neutrality (i.e., beta-zero) constraint. % Performance of strategies is compared with SP500 benchmark. % This m-file optimizes problems with Riskprog subroutine. % Analogously CS_HedgeFunds_RiskInObjective_psg_solver.m implements % the same case study with mpsg_solver optimization subroutine. function CS_HedgeFunds_RiskInObjective_riskprog_CVaR_dev() clear; % set TYPE parameter % TYPE='RISK' to optimize portfolio with risk in objective % TYPE='VARIANCE' to optimize portfolio with variance in objective TYPE = 'RISK'; %initial settings InitialPortfolioValue = 10000.0; % initial value of portfolio BudgetBound = 1.0; % budget bound K = 0.000001; % K value in risk neutrality constraint FirstInsampleIndex = 1; InsampleSize = 12; % in sample set DefaultLambda = 1.0; % default lambda value VariablesLowerBound = 0.0; % lower box bounds VariablesUpperBound = 0.1; % upper box bounds Precision = 4; % default precision Stages = 30; BestFundsNumber = 20; % the number of the best returns funds in portfolioEW SaveSolutionFile = 1; % set this key to write solving statistics to file solution_HedgeFunds.txt % read funds and benchmark matrices clear header_main; clear date_vec; clear fundsdata_arr; clear variables_arr; [header_main, date_vec, fundsdata_arr] = read_mainmatrix('matrix_fundreturns.txt'); clear header_bench; clear datebench_vec; clear benchdata_arr; NumFunds = length(fundsdata_arr); [header_bench, datebench_vec, benchdata_arr] = read_mainmatrix('matrix_benchmarkreturns.txt'); if (length(benchdata_arr) ~= length(date_vec)) Error('Benchmark set is wrong'); end fundsdata_arr = fundsdata_arr(:, 2:end); benchdata_arr = benchdata_arr(:, 2:end); % specify the structure and parameters for equally weighted and benchmark % portfolios clear portfolio; portf_count = 1; portfolio(portf_count).name = 'portfolioBM'; % benchmark portfolio portfolio(portf_count).type = 'benchmark'; portfolio(portf_count).lambda = 0; % no risk constraint portfolio(portf_count).riskfunction = ''; % no risk constraint portfolio(portf_count).riskfunction_parameter = []; % no risk constraint portfolio(portf_count).modification = @(x) x; % no risk constraint portf_count = portf_count+1; portfolio(portf_count).name = 'portfolioEW'; % predefined equal weighted portfolio portfolio(portf_count).type = 'ew'; portfolio(portf_count).lambda = 0; % not risk constrained portfolio(portf_count).riskfunction = ''; % not risk constrained portfolio(portf_count).riskfunction_parameter = []; % not risk constrained portfolio(portf_count).modification = @(x) x; % not risk constrained portf_count = portf_count+1; % specify the structure and parameters for portfolios with risk measures if strcmp(TYPE, 'RISK') % Specify parameters for portfolios with some risk measures (which is NOT vriance). % You should specify several values of the penalty coefficient in the % lambda_list to have several trajectories with these coefficients. % Currently only three values of the penalty coefficient are specified. % According to these values, three optimal portfolios are generated with names "portfolio1", "portfolio2", % and "portfolio3". lambda_list = [ 3.0*DefaultLambda 3.2*DefaultLambda 3.6*DefaultLambda 4.0*DefaultLambda 4.5*DefaultLambda 5*DefaultLambda]; % risk penalty coefficients for iportf=1:length(lambda_list) portfolio(portf_count).name = ['portfolio' num2str(iportf)]; % portfolio name like portfolio1, portfolio2, ... portfolio(portf_count).type = 'risk'; portfolio(portf_count).lambda = lambda_list(iportf); % set your value of risk bound portfolio(portf_count).riskfunction = 'cvar_dev'; % set your risk measure portfolio(portf_count).riskfunction_parameter = 0.2; % set parameter of your risk measure portfolio(portf_count).modification = @(x) x; % portf_count = portf_count+1; end else % Specify parameters for portfolios with Variance measure. % You should specify several values of the penalty coefficient in the % lambda_list to have several trajectories with these coefficients. % Currently only three values of the penalty coefficient are specified. % According to these values, three optimal portfolios are generated with names "portfolio1", "portfolio2", % and "portfolio3". lambda_list = [0.1*DefaultLambda DefaultLambda 10*DefaultLambda]; % % variance penalty coefficients for iportf=1:length(lambda_list) portfolio(portf_count).name = ['portfolio' num2str(iportf)]; % portfolio names like portfolio1, portfolio2, ... portfolio(portf_count).type = 'risk'; portfolio(portf_count).lambda = NumFunds*lambda_list(iportf); % set your value of risk bound portfolio(portf_count).riskfunction = 'variance'; % set your risk measure portfolio(portf_count).riskfunction_parameter = []; % there is no parameter in variance portfolio(portf_count).modification = @(x) sqrt(x); % portf_count = portf_count+1; end end % Specify settings for the first pass pass_count = 1; outofsampleindex = FirstInsampleIndex+InsampleSize-1; for iportf=1:length(portfolio) portfolio(iportf).returnportfolio(pass_count) = 0.0; portfolio(iportf).portfoliovalue(pass_count) = InitialPortfolioValue; portfolio(iportf).date(pass_count) = int32(str2num(cell2mat(date_vec{outofsampleindex}))); end if SaveSolutionFile outfilename = 'solution_HedgeFunds_riskprog.txt'; fsolid = fopen(outfilename, 'w'); end pass_count = pass_count+1; outofsampleindex = outofsampleindex+1; % Begin generating several passes while outofsampleindex <= length(date_vec) % start main in sample - out of sample cycle fprintf('\nPass N%8d\n', pass_count); % During each pass the program specifies initial month of the in-sample % period, FirstInsampleIndex, and its final month, outofsampleindex-1. % The outofsample index specifies the out of sample month used for testing % of the performance of the rebalanced portfolio. % For in-sample period the program generates the following data required % for solving the optimization problem: % matrix_fundsreturns containing scenarios of hedge funds returns needed % for calculating Risk function included in the objective with the penalty % coefficient clear matrix_fundsreturns; matrix_fundsreturns = fundsdata_arr(FirstInsampleIndex:outofsampleindex-1, : ); % matrix_expectedreturns needed for calculating expected return of % portfolio included in the objective clear matrix_expectedreturns; matrix_expectedreturns = sum(matrix_fundsreturns)/size(matrix_fundsreturns, 1); % matrix_budget containing unit coefficients for budget constraint clear matrix_budget; matrix_budget = ones(1, size(matrix_fundsreturns, 2)); % Calculate matrix_beta containing coefficients for market-neutrality % constraint clear matrix_beta; matrix_funds = fundsdata_arr(FirstInsampleIndex:outofsampleindex-1,:); middle_funds = sum(matrix_funds)/size(matrix_funds, 1); for i=1:size(matrix_funds, 1) matrix_funds(i,:)=matrix_funds(i,:)-middle_funds; end vector_bench = benchdata_arr(FirstInsampleIndex:outofsampleindex-1); vector_bench = vector_bench - sum(vector_bench)/size(vector_bench, 1); bench_norm = vector_bench'*vector_bench; vector_bench = vector_bench/bench_norm; matrix_beta = (matrix_funds'*vector_bench)'; portf_count = 1; % start portfolio cycle while portf_count <= length(portfolio) current_portfoliovalue = portfolio(portf_count).portfoliovalue(pass_count-1); % generate problem statement for portfolio with risk measure if (strcmp(portfolio(portf_count).type ,'risk')) risk = portfolio(portf_count).riskfunction; w = portfolio(portf_count).riskfunction_parameter; H = portfolio(portf_count).modification(portfolio(portf_count).lambda)/current_portfoliovalue*matrix_fundsreturns; c = []; p = []; d = -1.0/current_portfoliovalue*matrix_expectedreturns'; A = [matrix_beta; -matrix_beta]; b = [K*current_portfoliovalue; K*current_portfoliovalue]; Aeq = matrix_budget; beq = BudgetBound*current_portfoliovalue; lb = current_portfoliovalue*VariablesLowerBound; ub = current_portfoliovalue*VariablesUpperBound; x0 = []; if strcmp(TYPE, 'RISK') options.Linearization = 'On'; options.Solver = 'TANK'; else options.Linearization = 'Off'; options.Solver = 'VAN'; end options.Precision = Precision; options.Stages = Stages; options.Display = 'Off'; options.Warnings = 'Off'; disp(portf_count) % optimize problem for portfolio with risk measure [optimal_point, fval, solutionstatus, output] = riskprog (risk, w, H, c, p, d, A, b, Aeq, beq, lb, ub, x0, options); % for portfolio with risk measure, determine portfolio return and value corresponding to out of sample month portfolio_return = fundsdata_arr(outofsampleindex, :)*optimal_point; portfolio(portf_count).portfoliovalue(pass_count) = current_portfoliovalue+portfolio_return; portfolio(portf_count).returnportfolio(pass_count) = portfolio_return; portfolio(portf_count).date(pass_count) = int32(str2num(cell2mat(date_vec{outofsampleindex}))); % save results for portfolio with risk measure in external file if SaveSolutionFile fprintf(fsolid, 'Portfolio: %s, end date: %s, status: %s\n', portfolio(portf_count).name, ... cell2mat(date_vec{outofsampleindex-1}), solutionstatus); fprintf(fsolid, 'Objective: %.6f\n', fval); fprintf(fsolid, 'Budjet Constraint: %.6f\nBetaneutrality Constraint: %.6f\n', output.fAeqval, output.fAval(1)); fprintf(fsolid, '****************************************\n\n'); end else % Determine benchmark portfolio return and value corresponding to out of sample month if strcmp(portfolio(portf_count).type, 'benchmark') portfolio_return = benchdata_arr(outofsampleindex)*current_portfoliovalue; portfolio(portf_count).returnportfolio(pass_count) = portfolio_return; portfolio(portf_count).portfoliovalue(pass_count) = current_portfoliovalue+portfolio_return; portfolio(portf_count).date(pass_count) = int32(str2num(cell2mat(date_vec{outofsampleindex}))); else if strcmp(portfolio(portf_count).type, 'ew') % Create equally weighted portfolio by including the best portfolio funds % having maximum returns for in sample period. % The number of the best funds in the portfolio is BestFundsNumber. infundreturns = sum(matrix_fundsreturns); outfundreturns = fundsdata_arr(outofsampleindex, :); % Determine equally weighted portfolio return and value corresponding to out of sample month [locarr, indexarr] = sort(infundreturns, 'descend'); portfolio_return = sum(outfundreturns(indexarr(1:BestFundsNumber)))*current_portfoliovalue/BestFundsNumber; portfolio(portf_count).returnportfolio(pass_count) = portfolio_return; portfolio(portf_count).portfoliovalue(pass_count) = current_portfoliovalue+portfolio_return; portfolio(portf_count).date(pass_count) = int32(str2num(cell2mat(date_vec{outofsampleindex}))); end end end portf_count = portf_count+1; end % end portfolio cycle % Specify settings for the next pass outofsampleindex = outofsampleindex+1; pass_count = pass_count+1; end % end main in sample - out of sample cycle mpsg_suppress_message('Off'); % PSG messages are swithced on if SaveSolutionFile fclose(fsolid); end % save tables with results of calculations outfilename = 'CS_HedgeFunds_Output_riskprog.txt'; fid = fopen(outfilename, 'w'); fprintf('Table 1. Portfolios\n%8s', 'Date'); fprintf(fid, 'Table 1. Portfolios\n%8s', 'Date'); for i=1:size(portfolio, 2) fprintf('%15s', portfolio(i).name); fprintf(fid, '\t%15s', portfolio(i).name); end fprintf('\n'); fprintf(fid, '\n'); for i=1:size(portfolio(1).portfoliovalue, 2) fprintf('%8d', portfolio(1).date(i)); fprintf(fid, '%8d', portfolio(1).date(i)); for ii=1:size(portfolio, 2) fprintf('%15.4f', portfolio(ii).portfoliovalue(i)/InitialPortfolioValue); fprintf(fid, '\t%15.4f', portfolio(ii).portfoliovalue(i)/InitialPortfolioValue); end fprintf('\n'); fprintf(fid, '\n'); end fprintf(fid, '\nTable 2. Monthly Portfolios Returns\n%8s', 'Date'); for i=1:size(portfolio, 2) fprintf(fid, '\t%15s', portfolio(i).name); end fprintf(fid, '\n'); for i=1:size(portfolio(1).portfoliovalue, 2) fprintf(fid, '%8d', portfolio(1).date(i)); for ii=1:size(portfolio, 2) fprintf(fid, '\t%15.4f', portfolio(ii).returnportfolio(i)/InitialPortfolioValue); end fprintf(fid, '\n'); end for i=1:size(portfolio(1).portfoliovalue, 2) fprintf(fid, '%8d', portfolio(1).date(i)); for ii=1:size(portfolio, 2) fprintf(fid, '\t%15.4f', portfolio(ii).returnportfolio(i)/InitialPortfolioValue); end fprintf(fid, '\n'); end date_vec = (portfolio(1).date)./100; pos = 1; year_count = 0; year_vec = int32([]); while pos