Example: Function call: drawdownmulti_dev_avg(matrix_4, matrix_51).
x1 |
x2 |
x4 |
scenario_benchmark |
2 -3 0 -2 |
-1 6 11 5 |
1 -7 -3 9 |
15 -1 40 7 |
x1 |
x2 |
x3 |
x4 |
scenario_benchmark |
1 7 2 0 |
4 5 8 3 |
8 4 1 4 |
3 6 0 9 |
2 11 6 10 |
at point_1:
component_name |
value |
x1 x2 x3 x4 |
1 1 1 1 |
MATLAB code (.\Aorda\PSG\MATLAB\Examples\Func_value_drawdownmulti_dev_avg.m) for function calculation:
%Define data:
H1 = [2 -1 1;-3 6 -7;0 11 -3;-2 5 9];
header_1 = {'x1', 'x2', 'x4'};
c1 = [15;-1;40;7];
H2 = [1 4 8 3;7 5 4 6;2 8 1 0;0 3 4 9];
header_2 = {'x1', 'x2', 'x3', 'x4'};
c2 = [2;11;6;10];
a = [1;1;1;1];
%Calculation of function with PSG Subroutine 'tbpsg_function_value'
%Create the PSG matrix 'matrix_1'(structure containing header and matrix body) and pack it to structure 'toolboxstruc_arr':
toolboxstruc_arr(1) = tbpsg_matrix_pack('matrix_1', H1, header_1, c1, []);
%Create the PSG matrix 'matrix_2'(structure containing header and matrix body) and pack it to structure 'toolboxstruc_arr':
toolboxstruc_arr(2) = tbpsg_matrix_pack('matrix_2', H2, header_2, c2, []);
%Create the PSG point 'point_1'(structure containing header and matrix body) and pack it to structure 'toolboxstruc_arr':
toolboxstruc_arr(3) = tbpsg_point_pack('point_1', a, []);
%Calculate drawdownmulti_dev_avg function at point 'point_1':
val1 = tbpsg_function_value('drawdownmulti_dev_avg(matrix_1,matrix_2)','point_1',toolboxstruc_arr);
%Display function value:
disp(sprintf('tbpsg_function_value = %g', val1));
%Creation of User Subroutine for calculating function value
%User subroutine is similar to the 'functionvalue'
%Create problem statement:
problem_statement = sprintf('%s\n',...
'Point: point_1',...
' drawdownmulti_dev_avg(matrix_1,matrix_2)',...
' ');
%Create Subroutine:
%Uncomment section to call the user subroutine 'calculate_drawdownmulti_dev_avg':
%Calculation of function with User Subroutine 'calculate_drawdownmulti_dev_avg':
[solution_str,outargstruc_arr] = calculate_drawdownmulti_dev_avg(H1,header_1,c1,H2,header_2,c2,a,point_1_vars);
%Extract function value from the solution report:
val = tbpsg_function_data(solution_str, outargstruc_arr);
Program output:
tbpsg_function_value = 8.5
This function can't be evaluated with PSG Subroutine 'functionvalue' because input matrices include different variables