Portfolio Safeguard (PSG) is a Windows based decision-support tool, for solving a wide range of optimization, statistics, and risk management problems. PSG includes four classes of optimization solvers intended for optimizing nonlinear mixed-integer problems. Special emphasis is made on problems involving uncertainties in performance functions (such as Variance, VaR, CVaR).
PSG operated in three programming environments:
PSG is based on a simple but powerful idea: identify for every engineering area a set of nonlinear functions of interest and pre-code them. Functions are independent objects with defined data structure, list of variables, and output. With this idea, codes for solving non-linear optimization problems are very simple, just several lines. On the other hand, this approach allows building specialized very fast algorithms for various classes of functions and applications.
Although PSG is general-purpose decision support tool, the focus applications areas are risk management, financial engineering, statistics, logistics, and medical applications. Financial applications are especially well covered, such as portfolio optimization, asset allocation, selection of insurance, hedging with derivative contracts, bond matching, and structuring of Collateralized Debt Obligation (CDO).
PSG can optimize Value-at-Risk (VaR) and other tail risk measures such as Conditional Value-at-Risk (CVaR), Drawdown, Probability of Exceeding (rating constraint), Low Partial Moment, Omega, and Maximum Loss. Decisions can be controlled by sophisticated functions such as cardinality and fixed-charge.
PSG is characterized by the following features:
• | User-friendly, easy to learn, intuitive system. |
• | Functional flexibility: optimization and analysis is formed by selecting various risk functions from a list and pointing to a dataset containing underlying data for the function. |
• | Scenario-based data management: importing historical returns or uploading scenarios from Monte-Carlo based risk measurement packages such as RiskMetrics and S&P CDO Evaluator. |
• | Robust decisions: simultaneous constraints on various risks at different time intervals (e.g., multiple constraints on standard deviation obtained by resampling combined with a VaR and drawdown constraints). |
• | Efficient numerical algorithms making fast and robust decisions; four solvers based on different principles; optimize complicated problems with thousands of variables in seconds. |
• | Large scale optimization: up to 1,000,000 scenarios and up to 200,000 variables (in callable module). |
• | Program callable from MATLAB, C/C++ and Run-File(text) environment. |
Case Studies are available in avarious areas:
• | Risk Management: optimization of tail risk, Value-at-Risk (VaR), Conditional Value-at-Risk (CVaR), Expected Shortfall, Credit Risk, Drawdown, option pricing; |
• | Financial Engineering: portfolio optimization, asset and liability management (ALM), trading strategies, credit cards scoring, credit rating, derivatives pricing; |
• | Structured Finance: collateralized debt obligation (CDO), convertible bonds, mortgage backed securities; |
• | Advanced Statistics: application of the CVaR methodology to the Support Vector Machine (SVM) classification problem; |
• | Stochastic Programming: Stochastic Two Stage Linear Problem; |
• | Logistics: Optimal Allocation of Stock Levels and Stochastic Customer Demands to a Capacitated Resource; |
• | Medical Applications: Optimizing Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy Treatment Planning Problem; |
• | Mechanics: Optimization of Parameters of Beam Excitation Waveform. |
These case studies demonstrate how optimization problems can be formulated in a concise format, which makes problem structures transparent and easy to understand. This is achieved by representing objectives and constraints with a set of standardized functions with clear engineering interpretations.