Mean Square Error. Mean Square of Linear Loss scenarios calculated with Matrix of Scenarios or Expected Matrix of Products.
meansquare(matrix) |
short call for case of matrix of scenarios; |
quadratic(matrix_cov) |
short call for case of expected matrix of products; |
meansquare_name(matrix) |
call with optional name; |
quadratic_name(matrix_cov) |
call with optional name. |
matrix is a Matrix of Scenarios:
where the header row contains names of variables (except scenario_probability, and scenario_benchmark). Other rows contain numerical data. The scenario_probability, and scenario_benchmark columns are optional.
matrix_cov is a PSG matrix:
where the header row contains names of variables. Other rows contain numerical data.
, .
When function Mean Square Error is used in optimization or calculation problems PSG automatically calculates and includes in the solution report two outputs:
pseudo_R2_function_name |
contributions(function_name) |
Mathematical Definition
Mean Square Error is calculated on the matrix of scenarios matrix as follows::
random vector has components and J vector scenarios, ,
random value , which is the i-th component of the random vector, , has J discrete scenarios ,
is probability of the scenario .
is Loss Function (See section Loss and Gain Functions).
Mean Square Error is calculated on expected matrix of products matrix_cov as follows:
is a Quadratic function.
is an argument of Mean Square Error function.
See also
Mean Absolute Error, Mean Absolute Error Normal Independent, Mean Absolute Error Normal Dependent, Mean Square Error Normal Independent , Mean Square Error Normal Dependent, Root Mean Squared Error, Root Mean Squared Error Normal Independent, Root Mean Squared Error Normal Dependent, Koenker and Basset Error, Rockafellar Error