Probability of Exceedance. Probability that Linear Loss  exceeds some fixed threshold.



pr_pen(w, matrix)

short call;

pr_pen_name(w, matrix)

call with optional name.



       is a threshold value.

matrix        is a Matrix of Scenarios:


where the header row contains names of variables (except scenario_probability, and scenario_benchmark). Other rows contain numerical data. The scenario_probability, and scenario_benchmark columns are optional.


Mathematical Definition

Probability of Exceedance is calculated as follows



       is a vector of random coefficients for Loss Function:

, , are scenarios of Loss Function  (See section Loss and Gain Functions);


is an argument of function.



Calculation in Run-File Environment
Calculation in MATLAB Environment


Case Studies with Probability of Exceedance

Optimal Crop Production and Insurance Coverage
Structuring Step-up CDO
VaR vs Probability Constraints


See also

Probability Group , Probability of Exceedance Penalty for Gain (pr_pen_g).