PSG Parameter in General (Text) Format is a string that specifies parameters value.







Parameter is defined in a file containing Problem Statement as a text before text of Problem Statement in General (Text) format. Using row with parameters description inside body of Problem Statement or after produces an error.

Parameter is defined by equality:

parameter_<parameter_name> = string


Parameter may have only one value at once.

Parameters can be specified in one line of Problem Statement with separator ";" , or in different lines.



Name of parameter parameter_name should not exceeds 128 symbols,  it is not case sensitive, and includes only alphabetic characters, numbers, and underscore sign, "_".
Value of parameter string is a text strings containing any permitted in Problem Statement substrings i.e. replacing parameters in initial Problem Statement by its values should give a correct resulting Problem statement. Beginning and end of separate string are defined by nonblank symbol. So a black symbol is permitted inside strings.



PSG Parameters in the Problem Statement:


parameter_a = -0.00078672; parameter_b = 0.00064483

parameter_c = vector_cl, matrix_y; parameter_d = poinT_problem_11;




Constraint: EP, = 1



Constraint: EX = parameter_a



Constraint: sigma_sq < parameter_b



MultiConstraint: >= vector_lb



Box: >= -infinity


Solver: init_point =parameter_d


See also

PSG Parameter in MATLAB