PSG Point in general format is a table specified by:


Name of Point
Header row of the table with column names
Body of the two column table



Name of a PSG point is a string (used in problem statements). Name:

consist of two parts: "point_" and "<point_name>" (user specified).
not exceed 128 symbols,  it is not case sensitive, and includes only alphabetic characters, numbers, and underscore sign, “_”.


Header row

Header  row  of the table contains two predefined names of columns:



name of column with names of variables;


name of column with numerical data of variables.


Two column table

Table contains names of variables (first column) and  numerical values of variables (second column).



PSG Point should be prepared in appropriate format in different PSG Environments:


Run File Environment


PSG Point prepared in General (Text) Format of PSG and saved in file "point_problem_cvar.txt":




For more details see PSG Point in General (Text) Format


MATLAB Environment


PSG Point as element of the structure in MATLAB:


   object_name: 'point_problem_cvar'

     variables: 'x1        x2        x3        x4'

          type: 'point'

        values: [0 0.6000 0.1900 0.2100]


For more details see PSG Point in MATLAB