Problem 1. Minimizing Koenker and Basset error
Mathematical Problem Statement
Problem dimension and solving time
Solution in Run-File Environment
Solution in MATLAB Environment
Problem 2. Minimizing Partial Moment Penalty
Mathematical Problem Statement
Problem dimension and solving time
Solution in Run-File Environment
Solution in MATLAB Environment
This case study applies percentile regression to the return-based style classification of a mutual fund. The procedure regresses fund return by several indices as explanatory variables. The estimated coefficients represent the fund’s style with respect to each of the indices. This problem was considered by Carhart (1997) and Sharpe (1992). They estimated conditional expectation of a fund return distribution (under the condition that a realization of explanatory variables is observed).
Bassett and Chen (2001) extended this approach and conducted style analyses of quantiles of the return distribution. This extension is based on the quantile regression approach suggested by Koenker and Bassett (1978). The quantile regression model is more flexible compared to the standard least squares regression because it can identify dependence of various parts of the distribution from explanatory variables. A portfolio style depends on how a factor influences the entire return distribution, and this influence cannot be described by a single number. The single number given by the least squares regression may obscure the tail behavior (which could be of a prime interest to a manager). With the quantile regression we can estimate, for instance, the impact of explanatory variables on the 99-th percentile of the loss distribution. Portfolios having exposures to derivatives may have very different regression coefficients of the mean value and tail quantiles. For instance, let us consider a strategy in investing into naked deep out-of-the-money options. This strategy in most cases behaves like a bond paying some interest, however, in rare cases the strategy loses some amount of money (may be quite significant). Therefore, the mean value and 99-th percentile may have very different regression coefficients for the explanatory variables.
Minimize kb_err
kb_err = Koenker and Basset error function
Mathematical Problem Statement
Problem dimension and solving time
Number of Variables |
5 |
Number of Scenarios |
1,264 |
Objective Value |
0.001221 |
Solving Time (sec) |
0.01 |
Solution in Run-File Environment
Input Files to run CS:
Output Files:
Solution in MATLAB Environment
Solved with riskprog PSG subroutine (General (Text) Format of PSG in MATLAB):
Input Files to run CS:
Minimize alpha*Pm_pen + (1-alpha)*Pm_pen_g
Pm_pen = Partial Moment Penalty for Loss
Pm_pen_g = Partial Moment Penalty for Gain
Mathematical Problem Statement
Problem dimension and solving time
Number of Variables |
5 |
Number of Scenarios |
1,264 |
Objective Value |
0.001221 |
Solving Time (sec) |
0.01 |
Solution in Run-File Environment
Input Files to run CS:
Output Files:
Solution in MATLAB Environment
Solved with riskprog PSG subroutine (General (Text) Format of PSG in MATLAB):
Input Files to run CS: