Omega Portfolio Rebalancing



Problem. Optimization problem setup with the Omega objective function

Simplified Problem Statement

Mathematical Problem Statement

Problem dimension and solving time

Solution in Run-File Environment

Solution in MATLAB Environment





A fund of funds blends the risk-return profiles of various fund managers/strategies to meet investor requirements. The performance of the fund of funds is described by the Omega function. This case study demonstrates an optimization problem setup with the Omega objective function. Optimization is done using two different approaches:

minimization of partial moment for loss with constraint on expected gain (in Run-File Environment);
maximization of expected gain divided by partial moment for loss (MATLAB Environment).




Simplified Problem Statement


Minimize Pm_pen

 subject to

Avg ≤ Const1 (loss constraint)

Linear = Const2 (budget constraint)

Const3 ≥ Linear ≤ Const4 (constraints on allocations to strategies)

Const5 ≥ X ≤ Const6 (constraints on allocations to individual managers)

Box constraints (box constraints for individual positions)




Avg_g = Average Gain

Pm_pen = Partial Moment Penalty for Loss

Box constraints = constraints on individual decision variables


Mathematical Problem Statement


Formal Problem Statement


Problem dimension and solving time


Number of Variables


Number of Scenarios


Objective Value


Solving Time (sec)



Solution in Run-File Environment


Description (Run-File)


Input Files to run CS:

Problem Statement (.txt file)
DATA (.zip file)


Output Files:

Output DATA (.zip file)


Solution in MATLAB Environment


Solved with PSG MATLAB subroutine riskratioprog:

Description (riskratioprog)


Input Files to run CS:

MATLAB code (.txt file)
Data (.zip file with .m and .mat files)


Note. MATLAB problem statement differs from Run-File problem statement.





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[4]  Passow, A. (2005): Omega portfolio construction with Johnson distributions. Risk, April, pp. 85–90.