Case study Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy Treatment Planning Problem (see Formal Problem Statement) in MATLAB Environment is solved with riskprog PSG subroutine.
MATLAB code for Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy Treatment Planning Problem is in file problem_men_short.m.
Data are saved in files problem_men_short_data.mat .
Let us describe the main operations. To run case study you need to do the following main steps:
In file problem_men_short.m:
Load data:
Define options for PSG solver:
stroptions.Solver = 'BULDOZER';
stroptions.Precision = 9;
Define input arguments:
string = {'pm2_pen_g'};
w = {0};
Optimize problem:
[xout, fval, status, output] = riskprog(string, w, H, c, [], [], [], [], [], [], lb, ub, [], stroptions); |
Display solution:
disp(' ');
disp('Results: ');
Display status of optimization problem:
disp(sprintf('status of optimization problem = %s', status));
Display solving time:
disp(sprintf('solving time = %g', output.solving_time));
Display objective:
disp(sprintf('objective = %g', fval));
Display function:
disp(sprintf('pm2_pen_g= %g', output.frval));
Display optimal point:
disp('optimal point = ');
status of optimization problem = optimal
solving time = 0.02
objective = 0.000350098
pm2_pen_g= 0.000350098
optimal point =
0 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0276 0 0 0.0000 0.0006 0.0004