Stochastic Utility Problem



Problem. Stochastic Utility (or Expected Utility) Problem which is approximated by sampling stochastic parameters of this problem

Simplified Problem Statement

Mathematical Problem Statement

Problem dimension and solving time

Solution in Run-File Environment

Solution in MATLAB Environment





This case study solves Stochastic Utility (or Expected Utility) Problem which is approximated by sampling stochastic parameters of this problem (Sampling Average Approximation approach). The problem formulation and data are based on dataset which is considered in Nemirovski et al. (2009). The dataset was provided for testing purposes by Prof. George Lan. The problem formulation, as presented in Nemirovski et al. (2009), is as follows







piecewise linear convex function;


independent normally distributed random values, .


An equivalent formulation to (CS.0) in terms of PSG functions is presented in approximation format with scenarios in (CS.1-CS.3) (see Formal Problem Statement).


The Case Study presents solved problem instance with 500 variables and 4000 scenarios with sampled random coefficients, .




Simplified Problem Statement


Minimize Avg_max_risk (minimizing average of maximum of random linear functions)

 subject to

linear ≤ 1 (budget constraint on sum of variables)

Box constraints (variables are not negative)




Avg_max_risk = Average Max Risk for Loss

Box constraints = constraints on individual decision variables


Mathematical Problem Statement


Formal Problem Statement


Problem dimension and solving time


Number of Variables


Number of Scenarios


Objective Value


Solving Time (sec)



Solution in Run-File Environment


Description (Run-File)


Input Files to run CS:

Problem Statement (.txt file)
DATA (.zip file)


Output Files:

Output DATA (.zip file)


Solution in MATLAB Environment


Solved with PSG MATLAB function tbpsg_run (General (Text) Format of PSG in MATLAB):


Description (tbpsg_run)


Input Files to run CS:

MATLAB code (.txt file)
Data (.zip file with .m and .mat files)




[1] Nemirovski A., Juditsky A., Lan G. and A. Shapiro (2009): Robust stochastic approximation approach to Stochastic programming, SIAM J. Optim., Vol. 19, No. 4, 1574-1609.