Lesson 3. Create Problem Programmatically

This lesson shows how to create and solve optimization problem using PSG m-functions. All MATLAB operations are in the file: ./Aorda/PSG/MATLAB/Examples/Toolbox/Example_CVaR_Toolbox.m


Step 1. Pack data to PSG format
Step 2. Prepare Problem Statement in General (text) Format
Step 3. Solve optimization problem
Step 4. Extract solution details
Step 5. Edit problem in Toolbox


Step 1. Pack data to PSG format


Define input data in MATLAB Command Window:


H=[1,4,8,3; 7,5,4,6; 2,8,1,0; 0,3,4,9];

c=[0.2; 0.11; 0.6; 0.1];

Aeq=[1, 1, 1, 1];

lb=[0; 0; 0; 0];

vars={'x1', 'x2', 'x3', 'x4'};


Pack input data to PSG structure containing headers and data (see Main Objects of PSG MATLAB):


Create PSG matrix 'matrix_scenarios' (see tbpsg_matrix_pack):


toolboxstruc_arr(1) = tbpsg_matrix_pack('matrix_scenarios',H,vars,c);


Create PSG matrix 'matrix_budget' (see tbpsg_matrix_pack):


toolboxstruc_arr(2) = tbpsg_matrix_pack('matrix_budget',Aeq,vars);


Create PSG point 'point_lowerbounds' (see tbpsg_point_pack):


toolboxstruc_arr(3) = tbpsg_point_pack('point_lowerbounds',lb,vars);


Step 2. Prepare Problem Statement in General (text) Format


Problem statement syntax is described in Problem Statement in MATLAB.

Create the following variable in MATLAB:


problem_statement = sprintf('%s\n',...


'  cvar_risk(0.95, matrix_scenarios)',...

'Constraint: >= 4.5',...

'  avg_g(matrix_scenarios)',...

'Constraint: == 1',...

'  linear(matrix_budget)',...

'Box: >= point_lowerbounds');


Step 3. Solve optimization problem


Solve optimization problem programmatically (see tbpsg_run):


>> [solution_str,outargstruc_arr] = tbpsg_run(problem_statement, toolboxstruc_arr);


All results will be saved to the text report "solution_str" and structure "outargstruc_arr" (see PSG Solution in MATLAB).


Step 4. Extract solution details


Convert PSG Solution to structure using tbpsg_solution_struct:


output_structure = tbpsg_solution_struct(solution_str, outargstruc_arr);


>> output_structure


output_structure =


             status: {'optimal'}

          objective: -4.350000000000000

    constraint_name: {2x1 cell}

   constraint_value: [2x1 double]

      function_name: {3x1 cell}

     function_value: [3x1 double]

               time: [0 0.180000000000000 0]

         point_data: [0 0.599999999999997 0.190000000000002 0.210000000000001]

         point_vars: {'x1'  'x2'  'x3'  'x4'}

        matrix_data: {}

        matrix_vars: {}

        vector_data: {}


Save values of function to the new variable using:


>> output = tbpsg_function_data(solution_str, outargstruc_arr)


output =






Full list of available PSG m-functions for extracting solution details: Extract Solution Results Functions.


Step 5. Edit problem in Toolbox


Open current problem in Toolbox Window (see tbpsg_toolbox):


>> tbpsg_toolbox(problem_statement, toolboxstruc_arr);



The following screen will be opened:




You can edit this problem using Toolbox Window (change problem statement and input data). For example, delete the second constraint:




Press button "Solve" to start solving the optimization problem.

