
Logistic function applied to a Linear function:



short call;


call with optional name.


Logistic function applied to Sum of Splines Operator:


logistic(spline_sum(matrix_param, matrix_data, matrix_knots))

short call;

logistic_name(spline_sum(matrix_param, matrix_data, matrix_knots))

call with optional name.



matrix        is a Matrix of Scenarios:



Note. The scenario_probability, and scenario_benchmark columns may be included in matrix but are not used in calcuations.


matrix_param, matrix_data, and matrix_knots are parameters of Sum of Splines Operator.


Mathematical Definition

1. Logistic function applied to a Linear function is a vector function with components:

, ,

where , .


In order to include the intercept in the polynomial , one should assign .  In this case, the matrix of scenarios should be set as follows:



2. Logistic function applied to Sum of Splines Operator is a vector function with components:

, ,

where , described in Sum of Splines Operator. One Independent Factor.



Calculation in Run-File Environment


See also

Loss, GainSum of Splines OperatorLogarithms Exponents Sum