PSG Parameter in general format is an object specified by:
• | Name of Parameter |
• | Value of Parameter |
Name of a PSG Parameter is a string (used in problem statements). Name:
• | consist of two parts: "parameter_" and "<parameter_name>" (user specified). |
• | not exceed 128 symbols, it is not case sensitive, and includes only alphabetic characters, numbers, and underscore sign, “_”. |
Value of Parameter
Value of parameter is a strings containing any permitted in Problem Statement substrings i.e. replacing parameters in initial Problem Statement by its values should give a correct resulting Problem statement. Beginning and end of separate string are defined by nonblank symbol. So a black symbol is permitted inside strings.
PSG Parameter should be defined in appropriate format in different PSG Environments:
Run File Environment
PSG Parameter in General (Text) Format of PSG is defined in the Problem Statement as the string before main body of problem:
parameter_alpha = 0.95;
Box: >= -10, upperbounds = 10, <= 10
For more details see PSG Parameter in General (Text) Format
MATLAB Environment
PSG Parameter in MATLAB Environment is an element of the structure:
>> toolboxstruc_arr =
type: 'parameter'
data: [1x1 struct]
string: [1x1 struct]
ans =
name: 'alpha'
data: 0.95
>> toolboxstruc_arr.string
ans =
name: 'alpha'
data: 'parameter_alpha_data'
For more details see PSG Parameter in MATLAB