riskconstrparam subroutine solves optimization problem described in the section riskconstrprog for several  values of a parameter. The parameter is:

A parameter in a risk function in objective (e.g., confidence level in CVaR);
A parameter in a risk function in constraint on the risk;
Right hand side in the constraint on the risk;
A component of  a matrix in linear constraints;
A component of a vector in linear constraints;
A component of a vector in bounds on decision vector.

Set of possible values of the selected parameter can be specified by  some array of predefined values or by the number of points in the uniform grid in some interval of parameter values. riskconstrparam  plots optimal objectives vs. specified parameter values.


Mathematical Problem Statement
Intput Arguments
Output Arguments
Case Studies with riskconstrparam
See also
List of PSG functions for riskconstrparam




Mathematical Problem Statement

Finds a maximum for a problem specified by

subject to


A, Aeq are matrices;

r is a parameter;

d, x are column vectors;

b, beq, lb, ub are column vectors or scalars;

risk1, risk2 are PSG risk functions, PSG deterministic functions, or a PSG utility functions (see List of PSG functions for riskconstrparam).



[Objectives, Parameters, Points, GraphHandle]=riskconstrparam (risk1,risk2, w1, H1, c1, p1, w2, H2, c2, p2, d,  r, A, b, Aeq, beq, lb, ub, string)

[Objectives, Parameters, Points, GraphHandle]=riskconstrparam (risk1,risk2, w1, H1, c1, p1, w2, H2, c2, p2, d,  r, A, b, Aeq, beq, lb, ub, string, N_E1)

[Objectives, Parameters, Points, GraphHandle]=riskconstrparam (risk1,risk2, w1, H1, c1, p1, w2, H2, c2, p2, d,  r, A, b, Aeq, beq, lb, ub, string, N_E1,[],N_Par)

[Objectives, Parameters, Points, GraphHandle]=riskconstrparam (risk1,risk2, w1, H1, c1, p1, w2, H2, c2, p2, d,  r, A, b, Aeq, beq, lb, ub, string, N_E1,N_E2,N_Par, Low_Par, Up_Par)

[Objectives, Parameters, Points, GraphHandle]=riskconstrparam (risk1,risk2, w1, H1, c1, p1, w2, H2, c2, p2, d,  r, A, b, Aeq, beq, lb, ub, string, N_E1,N_E2,N_Par, Low_Par, Up_Par, Param)

[Objectives, Parameters, Points, GraphHandle]=riskconstrparam (risk1,risk2, w1, H1, c1, p1, w2, H2, c2, p2, d,  r, A, b, Aeq, beq, lb, ub, string, N_E1,N_E2,N_Par, Low_Par, Up_Par, Param, x0)

[Objectives, Parameters, Points, GraphHandle]=riskconstrparam (risk1,risk2, w1, H1, c1, p1, w2, H2, c2, p2, d,  r, A, b, Aeq, beq, lb, ub, string, N_E1,N_E2,N_Par, Low_Par, Up_Par, Param, x0, options)



Omitted parameters should be substituted by square brackets “[]”.
riskconstrparam subroutine varies only one parameter.
If vector b, or beq has equal components and it is specified by one constant, than varying this constant changes the whole vector. Set of possible values of the selected parameter can be specified by  some array of predefined values or by the number of points in the uniform grid in some interval of parameter values. If the selected parameter is a component of the vector b, beq, or r, then the lower and upper bounds of this interval can be determined automatically.



[Objectives, Parameters, Points, GraphHandle]=riskconstrparam (risk1,risk2, w1, H1, c1, p1, w2, H2, c2, p2, d,  r, A, b, Aeq, beq, lb, ub, string)


This command can be used when the parameter is selected from the right hand side, r, in the constraint on risk, or one-dimensional vector b, or beq. The name of  the vector containing  the parameter is specified by string. If  the right hand side, r, in the constraint on risk is selected as a parameter, then you should set string = 'r'; if a component of the vector b is selected as a parameter, then you should set string = 'b';  if a component of the vector beq is selected as a parameter, then you should set string = 'beq'. With this command the subroutine:

Automatically determines lower and upper bounds of the interval of the selected parameter possible values;
Automatically generates ten equally spaced parameter values between the automatically calculated lower and upper bounds;
For each value of the selected parameter from the generated interval the subroutine maximizes

subject to , , ,   . The risk functions risk1, and risk2 are specified by risk1,w1, H1, c1,  p1 and risk2, w2, H2, c2, p2 respectively. In accordance with string, the right hand side, r, in constraint on risk or a component of the vector b or beq is substituted by current values of the selected parameter.

For ten parameter values riskconstrparam optionally plots parameter  vs. objective or objective vs. parameter (see description of options). There is  also an option allowing to plot the graph with the parameter multiplied by -1 (output vector Parameters is also multiplied by -1). This option is useful, for instance, in financial optimization, where  you transform a constraint on the portfolio rate of return   to the constraint . In this case -b is selected as a parameter,  to build the so called "efficient frontier" (return vs. risk).


[Objectives, Parameters, Points, GraphHandle]=riskconstrparam (risk1,risk2, w1, H1, c1, p1, w2, H2, c2, p2, d,  r, A, b, Aeq, beq, lb, ub, string, N_El)


This command can be used when the parameter is selected from right hand side, r, in constraint on risk, or multidimensional vector b or beq. These vectors should not be defined by a scalar constant  (with the same constant value for  all components of the corresponding  vector). The parameter is the component number N_E1 in the vector specified by string.  If the parameter is selected from right hand side, r, then N_El is ignored. This run automatically determines lower and upper bounds of the range of the selected parameter, and generates ten equally spaced parameter values between the lower and upper bounds.


[Objectives, Parameters, Points, GraphHandle]=riskconstrparam (risk1,risk2, w1, H1, c1, p1, w2, H2, c2, p2, d,  r, A, b, Aeq, beq, lb, ub, string, N_El,[],N_Par)


This command can be used when the parameter is selected from right hand side, r, in constraint on risk, or  multidimensional vector b, or beq. These vectors should not be defined by a scalar constant  (with the same constant value for  all components of the corresponding  vector). The parameter is the component number N_E1 in the vector specified by string.  If the parameter is selected from right hand side, r, then N_El is ignored. This run automatically determines lower and upper bounds of the range of the selected parameter, and generates N_Par equally spaced parameter values between the lower and upper bounds.


[Objectives, Parameters, Points, GraphHandle]=riskconstrparam (risk1,risk2, w1, H1, c1, p1, w2, H2, c2, p2, d,  r, A, b, Aeq, beq, lb, ub, string, N_E1,N_E2,N_Par, Low_Par, Up_Par)


This command can be used when parameter is selected from right hand side, r, in constraint on risk, or matrices A, or Aeq, or vectors b, beq, lb,  or ub, or when parameter of the risk functions, w1, or w2 are varied. If string ='w1', or string ='w2', or string ='r', then N_E1,N_E2 are ignored. If string ='A', or 'Aeq', then N_E1, and N_E2 specify the row and the column of parameter  in the matrix specified by string. If string = 'b',or 'beq',or  'lb', or  'ub', then N_E1 specifies the parameter number in the vector specified by string, and N_E2 is ignored.  If  dimension of vector b, or beq, or 'lb',or  'ub',  is greater than 1 and the vector is defined by a scalar constant  (with the same constant value for  all components of the vector), and the N_El is omitted, then the whole vector is changed. Low_Par, Up_Par specify lower and upper bounds of the range of the selected parameter. This run generates N_Par equally spaced  parameter values between the lower and upper bounds and plots parameter values vs. optimal objectives.


[Objectives, Parameters, Points, GraphHandle]=riskconstrparam (risk1,risk2, w1, H1, c1, p1, w2, H2, c2, p2, d,  r, A, b, Aeq, beq, lb, ub, string, N_E1,N_E2,N_Par, Low_Par, Up_Par, Param)


The vector Param specifies a set of values of parameter for which runs should be conducted. If Param is available, then N_Par, Low_Par, and Up_Par are ignored.



[Objectives, Parameters, Points, GraphHandle]=riskconstrparam (risk1,risk2, w1, H1, c1, p1, w2, H2, c2, p2, d,  r, A, b, Aeq, beq, lb, ub, string, N_E1,N_E2,N_Par, Low_Par, Up_Par, Param, x0) sets the starting point x0 for the problem with the smallest value of parameters. Problems with higher values of parameter may optionally use an optimal solution for problem with previous value of parameter as initial point (see description of options).


[Objectives, Parameters, Points, GraphHandle]=riskconstrparam (risk1,risk2, w1, H1, c1, p1, w2, H2, c2, p2, d,  r, A, b, Aeq, beq, lb, ub, string, N_E1,N_E2,N_Par, Low_Par, Up_Par, Param, x0, options) uses options specified in the structure options.


Intput Arguments



name of PSG function  (see List of PSG functions for riskconstrprog);


name of PSG function (see List of PSG functions for riskconstrprog);


parameter (real) of the PSG function risk1 (for one PSG function in objective) or cell array of parameters (for linear combination of PSG functions risk1; order of parameters are the same as the order of functions in risk1). If parameter is not present, then substitute parameter by square brackets “[]” );


parameter (real) of the PSG function risk2 (for one PSG function in constraint) or cell array of parameters (for linear combination of PSG functions risk2; order of parameters are the same as the order of functions in risk2). If parameter is not present, then substitute parameter by square brackets “[]” );


matrix for one PSG function in objective risk1 or cell array of matrices for linear combination of PSG functions risk1 (order of matrix are the same as the order of functions in risk1);


matrix for one PSG function in constraint risk2 on risk or cell array of matrices for linear combination of PSG functions risk2 (order of matrix are the same as the order of functions in risk2);


vector of benchmark for one PSG function in objective risk1 or cell array of vectors of benchmarks for linear combination of PSG functions risk1 (order of vectors are the same as the order of functions in risk1). If the benchmark is not used, then substitute it by square brackets “[]”;


vector of benchmark for one PSG function in constraint risk2 or cell array of vectors of benchmarks for linear combination of PSG functions risk2 (order of vectors are the same as the order of functions in risk2). If the benchmark is not used, then substitute it by square brackets “[]”;


vector of probabilities for one PSG function in objective risk1 or cell array of vectors of probabilities for linear combination of PSG functions risk1 (order of vectors are the same as the order of functions in risk1). If all probabilities are equal, you can substitute p1 by square brackets “[]”);


vector of probabilities for one PSG function in constraint risk2 or cell array of vectors of probabilities for linear combination of PSG functions risk2 (order of vectors are the same as the order of functions in risk2). If all probabilities are equal, you can substitute p2 by square brackets “[]”);


column vectors for linear component of objective;


matrices for linear inequality constraint;


vectors or scalars for linear inequality constraint;


matrices for linear equality constraint;


vectors for linear equality constraint;


vectors of lower bounds;


vectors of upper bounds;


initial point for x (see Initial Point);


structure that contains optimization options (see Options);


value of upper bound for risk constraint ;


Output Arguments



row vector of the optimal values of the objective found by optimizing the problem for each parameter value;


row vector parameter values;


matrix of optimal points  found by optimizing the problem for each parameter value. Each row is an optimal point  corresponding to some parameter value;


handle of the graphical object (if option.PlotGraph = ‘On’, otherwise GraphHandle = [] ).





choose optimization PSG solvers from a list: VAN, CAR, BULDOZER, TANK (default) (for more details see Optimization Solvers);


number of digits that solver tries to obtain in objective and constraints. Default Precision = 7;


time in seconds restricting the duration of the optimization process. Default Time Limit  = -1;


number of stages of the optimization process (this parameter should be specified for VaR,  Probability, and Cardinality groups of functions). Default Stages = 30;


controls internal representation of risk function, which can speed up the optimization process (used  with CAR and TANK solvers). 'On' or 'Off' (default);


string with path to the folder designed for storing problem in General (Text) Format of PSG. If Path_to_Export_to_Text=‘’ (default) than the problem is not exported in General (Text) Format of PSG);


string with path to the folder designed for storing problem as mat-file. If Path_to_Export_to_MAT=‘’ (default) than the problem is not exported as mat-file. This option is intended for converting the problem to the PSG MATLAB Data Structure;


key specifying if a problem with the next value of parameter should use (IsInherit = 'On') an optimal solution of the problem with the previous value of parameter as an initial point (see Initial Point) or not (by the default IsInherit = 'Off').


key specifying if messages that may appear when you run this subroutine should be suppressed (Display = 'Off') or not (by the default: Display ='On');


key specifying if warnings that may appear when you run this subroutine should be suppressed (Warnings = 'On') or not (by the default: Warnings ='Off');


key specifying if the graph should be built. Default PlotGraph = 'Off';


key should be set to 1 for building objective vs. parameter plot, and 2 for building parameter vs. objective plot . Default PlotType = 1;


scaling coefficients taking on a value from interval (-Infinity, +Infinity). Parameter is multiplied  by ScaleParam when graph is building. Default ScaleParam = 1;


ScaleObjective = scaling coefficients taking on a value from interval (-Infinity, +Infinity). Objective is multiplied  by ScaleObjective when graph is building. Default ScaleObjective = 1


specifies the variables types of a problem. If Types is defined as column-vector, it should include as many components as number of variables Problem includes. The components of column-vector can possess the values "0" - for variables of type real, or 1- for variables of type boolean, or 2 - for variables of type integer. If Types is defined as one number (0, or 1, or 2) than all variables types real, or   boolean, or integer respectively.



In this example we use the problem description similar to the defined in case study Basic CVaR Optimization Problem, Beyond Black-Litterman. This case study demonstrates a simple (basic) setup of a single-period portfolio optimization problem when risk is measured by CVaR. Efficient frontier (return vs. risk plot) is built.


Run the following example from the folder./Aorda/PSG/MATLAB/Examples/Problems/Example_Beyond_Black_Litterman_riskconstrparam.m or type the next PSG problem in MATLAB:



N_Par = 20;

options.PlotGraph = 'On';

options.PlotType = 1;

options.ScaleParam = 1;

warning('off', 'all');

format long;

[Objectives, Parameters, Points, GraphHandle]=riskconstrparam ([],'cvar_risk', [], [], [], [], ...

   0.95, Hmatr, [], [], -dmatr,  0.075, [], [], Aeqmatr, beqvec, lbvec, [], 'r', [],[],N_Par,...

   [], [], [], [], options);


warning('on', 'all');

fprintf('Points: %d\n', length(Parameters));

fprintf('Parameters  Objectives:\n');

fprintf('%f\t%f\n', [Parameters; Objectives]);

fprintf('Optimal Points:\n');



You get the following output:

Points: 20

Parameters  Objectives:

0.048191        0.000921

0.048429        0.000928

0.048667        0.000935

0.048906        0.000941

0.049144        0.000946

0.049383        0.000952

0.049621        0.000957

0.049860        0.000962

0.050098        0.000968

0.050336        0.000973

0.050575        0.000977

0.050813        0.000982

0.051052        0.000987

0.051290        0.000991

0.051528        0.000996

0.051767        0.001000

0.052005        0.001004

0.052244        0.001008

0.052482        0.001012

0.052720        0.001016

Optimal Points:

   0.4917    0.5083         0         0

   0.4904    0.4768    0.0328         0

   0.4872    0.4566    0.0499    0.0063

   0.4773    0.4528    0.0477    0.0223

   0.4730    0.4405    0.0535    0.0330

   0.4668    0.4324    0.0551    0.0458

   0.4584    0.4280    0.0538    0.0598

   0.4548    0.4167    0.0587    0.0699

   0.4526    0.4040    0.0643    0.0792

   0.4512    0.3897    0.0724    0.0868

   0.4425    0.3859    0.0735    0.0980

   0.4355    0.3817    0.0726    0.1102

   0.4287    0.3775    0.0716    0.1221

   0.4198    0.3740    0.0744    0.1318

   0.4136    0.3679    0.0771    0.1414

   0.4093    0.3637    0.0722    0.1548

   0.4056    0.3525    0.0824    0.1596

   0.3981    0.3463    0.0897    0.1659

   0.3928    0.3400    0.0929    0.1742

   0.3958    0.3231    0.1030    0.1782

and the following graph with the efficient frontier



Case Studies with riskconstrparam

Optimization Beyond Black Litterman
CDaR Single Paths
Hedging Portfolio of Options
Portfolio Replication with Risk Constraint




See also

riskconstrprog,  riskprogriskparamriskratioprog


List of PSG functions for riskconstrparam


Subroutine riskconstrprog works only with PSG functions described in this section.



Exponential Utility, Logarithmic Utility, Power Utility, Logarithms Sum, and Logarithms Exponents Sum functions are included in the objective and constraint on a risk with the negative coefficient -1 by default.  However, you should not set any coefficient for these functions, riskconstrprog sets it automatically. If risk function is a PSG risk, cardinality, or nonlinear function (except for Logarithms Sum and Logarithms Exponents Sum functions), then  riskconstrprog minimizes the objective ; if risk function is a utility, Logarithms Sum, or Logarithms Exponents Sum function, then  riskprog minimizes the objective .
linear, pr_dev,  pr_dev_g, pr_pen, and pr_pen_g PSG functions should NOT be combined  with the vector d  (substitute d by square brackets “[]” ).
Relative Entropy function (entropyr) can have up to 100,000,000 decision variables if Linearization='On' option is specified. This option may dramatically speedup calculations. In this case BULDOZER solver is recommended.


The following  PSG risk functions may be used in the objective and constraint.


Full Name

Brief Name

Short Description

Average Loss


Average Loss obtained by averaging Linear Loss  scenarios, i.e., it is a linear function with coefficients obtained by averaging  coefficients of Linear Loss scenarios.

Average Gain


Average Gain obtained by averaging -(Linear Loss ) scenarios, i.e., it is a linear function with coefficients obtained by averaging  coefficients of  -(Linear Loss) scenarios.



For a finite dimension vector, buyin equals the number components satisfying two conditions: 1) absolute value of a component exceeds  threshold_1; 2) if a component is positive, then its absolute value is below  threshold_2, otherwise its absolute value is  below  threshold_3

Buyin Negative


Number of components of -(vector) exceeding  threshold_1 and below  threshold_2

Buyin Positive


Number of components of a vector exceeding  threshold_1 and below  threshold_2



Number of absolute values of components of a vector exceeding some threshold

Cardinality Negative


Number of components of -(vector) exceeding some threshold

Cardinality Positive


Number of components of a vector exceeding some threshold



For every time moment, j=1,...J ,  portfolio  drawdown = d(j) =  maxn ((uncompounded cumulative portfolio return at time moment n ) - (uncompounded cumulative portfolio return at time moment  j )). CDaR  = CVaR Component Positive of vector (d(1), ..., d(J)) = average of the largest (1-α)%  components of the vector (d(1), ..., d(J)), where 0≤α≤1 . 

CDaR for Gain


For every time moment, j=1,...J ,  portfolio  -drawdown = -d(j) =  maxn (-(uncompounded cumulative portfolio return at time moment n ) + (uncompounded cumulative portfolio return at time moment  j )). CDaR  for Gain =  CVaR Component Positive of vector (-d(1), ...,- d(J)) = average of the largest (1-α)%  components of the vector (-d(1), ..., -d(J)), where 0≤α≤1 .

CVaR Component Negative


Average of the largest (1-α)% of components of a -( vector), where 0≤α≤1

CVaR Component Positive


Average of the largest (1-α)% of components of a vector, where 0≤α≤1  

CVaR Deviation 


Conditional Value-at-Risk for (Linear Loss) - (Average over  Linear Loss  scenarios) , i.e., the average of largest (1-α)% of  (Linear Loss) - (Average over Linear Loss scenarios) scenarios.

CVaR Deviation for Gain


Conditional Value-at-Risk for -(Linear Loss ) + (Average  over scenarios Linear Loss) , i.e., the average of largest (1-α)% of - (Linear Loss) + (Average  over scenarios Linear Loss) scenarios.



Conditional Value-at-Risk for Linear Loss  scenarios (also called Expected Shortfall and Tail VaR), i.e., the average of largest (1-α)% of Losses.

CVaR for Gain


Conditional Value-at-Risk for -(Linear Loss ) scenarios (also called Expected Shortfall and Tail VaR), i.e., the average of largest (1-α)% of -(Losses).

Drawdown  Average


For every time moment, j=1,...J ,  portfolio drawdown = d(j) =  maxn ((uncompounded cumulative portfolio return at time moment n ) - (uncompounded cumulative portfolio return at time moment  j )). Drawdown Deviation  = average of components of the vector (d(1), ..., d(J)) .

Drawdown  Average for Gain


For every time moment, j=1,...J ,  portfolio -(drawdown) = -d(j) =  maxn (-(uncompounded cumulative portfolio return at time moment n ) + (uncompounded cumulative portfolio return at time moment  j )). Drawdown  Average for Gain =  average of components of the vector (-d(1), ...,- d(J)).

Drawdown  Maximum


For every time moment, j=1,...J ,  portfolio drawdown = d(j) =  maxn ((uncompounded cumulative portfolio return at time moment n ) - (uncompounded cumulative portfolio return at time moment  j )). Drawdown Maximum = Maximum Component Positive of vector (d(1), ..., d(J)) =  largest  component of the vector (d(1), ..., d(J)).

Drawdown  Maximum for Gain


For every time moment, j=1,...J ,  portfolio -drawdown = -d(j) =  maxn (-(uncompounded cumulative portfolio return at time moment n ) + (uncompounded cumulative portfolio return at time moment  j )). Drawdown Maximum for Gain =  Maximum Component Positive of vector (-d(1), ...,- d(J)) =  largest  component of the vector (-d(1), ..., -d(J)).

Relative Entropy


Relative entropy where probabilities are variables.

Exponential Utility


Exponential Utility function for Linear Loss scenarios calculated with Matrix of Scenarios.

Fixed Charge


Sum of fixed changes for absolute values of components of a vector exceeding some thresholds

Fixed Charge Negative


Sum of fixed changes for components of -(vector) exceeding some thresholds

Fixed Charge Positive


Sum of fixed changes for components of a vector exceeding some thresholds



Linear function with many variables

Logarithmic Utility


Log Utility function for Linear Loss scenarios calculated with Matrix of Scenarios.

Logarithms Sum


Linear combination of logarithms of components of a vector 

Logarithms Exponents Sum


Likelihood function in Logistic Regression 

Maximum Component Negative


Maximal  (largest)  component of -(vector)

Maximum Component Positive


Maximal  (largest)  component of a vector  

Maximum Deviation


Maximum of ((Linear Loss ) - (Average over Linear Loss scenarios)) scenarios.

Maximum Deviation for Gain


Maximum of (-(Linear Loss ) + (Average over Linear Loss scenarios)) scenarios..



Maximum of Linear Loss  scenarios.

Maximum for Gain


Maximum of -(Linear Loss ) scenarios.

Mean Absolute Deviation


Mean Absolute Deviation for Linear Loss  scenarios. 

Mean Absolute Error


Mean Absolute for Linear Loss   scenarios function. Calculated by averaging over scenarios the absolute values of losses .

Mean Absolute Risk


Mean Absolute for Linear Loss  scenarios. (Mean Absolute) =Average Loss  +  Mean Absolute Deviation

Mean Absolute Risk for Gain


Mean Absolute  for Gain for Linear Loss  scenarios. (Mean Absolute  for Gain) = -Average Loss  + Mean Absolute Deviation

Mean Square Error


Mean Square of Linear Loss scenarios calculated with Matrix of Scenarios or Expected Matrix of Products.

Partial Moment  Deviation


Expected  access of  ( (Loss  ) - (Average Loss )) over some fixed threshold.

Partial Moment Gain Deviation


Expected  access of  (- (Loss  ) + (Average Loss )) over some fixed threshold.

Partial Moment  Deviation


Expected  access of  ( (Loss  ) - (Average Loss )) over some fixed threshold.

Partial Moment for Gain


Expected  access of  -( Loss  ) over some fixed threshold.

Partial Moment Two Deviation for Loss


Expected  squared access of  ((Loss  ) - (Average Loss )) over some fixed threshold.


Partial Moment Two Deviation for Gain


Expected  squared access of  (-(Loss  ) + (Average Loss )) over some fixed threshold.

Partial Moment Two


Expected  squared Linear Loss  in access of of some fixed threshold.

Partial Moment Twofor Gain


Expected  squared Linear -(Loss ) in access of of some fixed threshold.

L1 Norm


Sum of absolute values of components of a vector, i.e., L1 norm of a vector.

Power Utility


Power Utility function for Linear Loss scenarios calculated with Matrix of Scenarios.

Probability of Exceedance Deviation 


Probability that (Loss)-(Average Loss) exceeds some fixed threshold.

Probability of Exceedance Deviation for Gain


Probability that -(Loss)+(Average Loss) exceeds some fixed threshold.

Probability of Exceedance


Probability that Linear Loss  exceeds some fixed threshold.

Probability of Exceedance for Gain


Probability that Linear -(Loss ) exceeds some fixed threshold.

Quadratic Function


Quadratic function

Standard Deviation 


Standard Deviation of Linear Loss scenarios calculated with Matrix of Scenarios.

Root Mean Squared Error


Root Squared Error of Linear Loss scenarios calculated with Matrix of Scenarios or Expected Matrix of Products. By definition, it is an average of squared  loss scenarios.

Standard Risk


(Standard Deviation of Linear Loss scenarios)+(Average of Linear Loss scenarios).  It is calculated with Matrix of Scenarios.

Standard Gain


(Standard Deviation of Linear Loss scenarios)-(Average of Linear Loss scenarios).  It is calculated with Matrix of Scenarios.

VaR Component Negative


α*I -th value in the ordered  ascending sequence of  components of a -(I-dimensional vector), where 0≤α≤1; e.g., α=0.8, I=100,  we order components of the -(vector) and take the element number α*I = 80

Maximum Component Positive


Maximal  (largest)  component of a vector .

VaR Deviation


Value-at-Risk for (Linear Loss ) - (Average over Linear Loss scenarios) , i.e., α%  percentile of (Linear Loss) - (Average over Linear Loss scenarios) scenarios.  

VaR Deviation for Gain


Value-at-Risk for -(Linear Loss ) + (Average over Linear Loss scenarios) , i.e.,  α%  percentile of  -(Linear Loss) + (Average over Linear Loss scenarios) scenarios.  



Value-at-Risk for Linear Loss  scenarios, i.e., α%  percentile of Linear Loss scenarios.  

VaR for Gain


Value-at-Risk for -(Linear Loss ) scenarios, i.e., α%  percentile of -(Linear Loss) scenarios.



Variance of Linear Loss scenarios calculated with Matrix of Scenarios.