Here is a list of Risk Functions used in PSG.


Table. Risk Functions.


Average Group

Full Name

Brief Name

Short Description

Average Loss


Average Loss obtained by averaging Linear Loss scenarios, i.e., it is a linear function with coefficients obtained by averaging  coefficients of Linear Loss scenarios.

Average Gain


Average Gain obtained by averaging -(Linear Loss ) scenarios, i.e., it is a linear function with coefficients obtained by averaging  coefficients of  -(Linear Loss) scenarios.

Average Max


There are M Linear Loss scenario functions (every Linear Loss scenario function is defined by a Matrix of Scenarios). A new Maximum Loss scenarios function is calculated by maximizing losses over Linear Loss functions (over M functions for every scenario).  Average Max is calculated by averaging Maximum Loss scenarios.

Average Max for Gain


There are M Linear Loss scenario functions (every Linear Loss scenario function is defined by a Matrix of Scenarios). A new Maximum Gain scenarios function is calculated by maximizing losses over  -(Linear Loss)  functions for every scenario (over M functions for every scenario).  Average Max for Gain is calculated by averaging Maximum Gain scenarios.

Average Max Deviations


There are M Linear Loss scenario functions (every Linear Loss scenario function is defined by a Matrix of Scenarios). A new Maximum Deviation scenarios function is calculated by maximizing losses over (Linear Loss) -  (Average Linear Loss over scenarios) functions (over M functions for every scenario).  Average Max Deviation is calculated by averaging Maximum Deviation scenarios.

Average Max Deviation for Gain


There are M Linear Loss scenario functions (every Linear Loss scenario function is defined by a Matrix of Scenarios). A new Maximum Gain Deviation scenarios function is calculated by maximizing losses over -(Linear Loss)+  (Average Linear Loss over scenarios) functions (over M functions for every scenario).  Average Max Gain Deviation is calculated by averaging Maximum Gain Deviation scenarios.

Average Recourse


Average of  Recourse  scenarios. Recourse scenarios are obtained by solving LP at the second stage of two-stage stochastic programming problem for every scenario.

Average Gain Recourse


Average of -(Recourse ) scenarios. Recourse scenarios are obtained by solving LP at the second stage of two-stage stochastic programming problem for every scenario.


CVaR Group

Full Name

Brief Name

Short Description



Conditional Value-at-Risk for Linear Loss  scenarios (also called Expected Shortfall and Tail VaR), i.e., the average of largest (1-α)% of Losses.

CVaR for Gain


Conditional Value-at-Risk for -(Linear Loss ) scenarios (also called Expected Shortfall and Tail VaR), i.e., the average of largest (1-α)% of -(Losses).

CVaR Normal Independent


Special case of the CVaR  when all coefficients in Linear Loss function are independent normally distributed random values.

CVaR for Gain Normal Independent


Special case of the CVaR for Gain when all coefficients in -(Linear Loss ) function are independent  normally distributed random values.

CVaR Normal Dependent


Special case of the CVaR when all coefficients in Linear Loss function are mutually dependent  normally distributed random values.

CVaR for Gain Normal Dependent


Special case of the CVaR for Gain when all coefficients in -(Linear Loss ) function are mutually dependent normally distributed random values

CVaR Deviation


Conditional Value-at-Risk for (Linear Loss) - (Average over  Linear Loss  scenarios) , i.e., the average of largest (1-α)% of  (Linear Loss) - (Average over Linear Loss scenarios) scenarios.

CVaR Deviation for Gain


Conditional Value-at-Risk for -(Linear Loss ) + (Average  over scenarios Linear Loss) , i.e., the average of largest (1-α)% of - (Linear Loss) + (Average  over scenarios Linear Loss) scenarios.

CVaR Deviation Normal Independent


Special case of the CVaR Deviation when all coefficients in Linear Loss function are independent normally distributed random values.

CVaR Deviation for Gain Normal Independent


Special case of the CVaR Deviation for Gain when all coefficients in -(Linear Loss ) function are independent normally distributed random values.

CVaR Deviation  Normal Dependent


Special case of the CVaR Deviation when all coefficients in Linear Loss function are mutually dependent normally distributed random values

CVaR Deviation for Gain Normal Dependent


Special case of the CVaR Deviation for Gain when all coefficients in -(Linear Loss ) function are mutually dependent normally distributed random values

CVaR for Mixture of Normal Independent


Consider a mixture of (random) Linear Loss functions with positive weights summing up to one. Coefficients in all  Linear Loss functions are independent normally distributed random values. Avg_cvar_risk_ni is the CVaR of the mixture of Normally Independent random values.

CVaR for Gain for Mixture of Normal Independent



Consider a mixture of (random) Linear Loss functions with positive weights summing up to one. Coefficients in all  Linear Loss functions are independent normally distributed random values. avg_cvar_risk_ni_g is the CVaR of the mixture of Normally Independent random values.

CVaR Deviation for Mixture of Normal Independent


Consider a mixture of (random) Linear Loss functions with positive weights summing up to one. Coefficients in all  Linear Loss functions are independent normally distributed random values. avg_cvar_ni_dev is the CVaR of the mixture of Normally Independent random values.

CVaR Deviation for Gain for Mixture of Normal Independent


Consider a mixture of (random) Linear Loss functions with positive weights summing up to one. Coefficients in all  Linear Loss functions are independent normally distributed random values. avg_cvar_ni_dev_g is the CVaR of the mixture of Normally Independent random values.

CVaR Max


There are M Linear Loss scenario functions (every Linear Loss scenario function is defined by a Matrix of Scenarios). A new Maximum Loss scenarios function is calculated by maximizing losses over Linear Loss functions (over M functions for every scenario).  CVaR Max is calculated by taking CVaR of the Maximum Loss scenarios.

CVaR Max for Gain


There are M Linear Loss scenario functions (every Linear Loss scenario function is defined by a Matrix of Scenarios). A new Maximum Gain scenarios function is calculated by maximizing losses over -(Linear Loss) functions (over M functions for every scenario).  CVaR Max for Gain is calculated by taking CVaR of the Maximum Gain scenarios.

CVaR Max Deviation


There are M Linear Loss scenario functions (every Linear Loss scenario function is defined by a Matrix of Scenarios). A new Maximum Loss scenarios function is calculated by maximizing losses over (Linear Loss)-(Expected Linear Loss)  functions (over M functions for every scenario).  CVaR Max Deviation is calculated by taking CVaR of the Maximum Loss scenarios.

CVaR Max Deviation for Gain


There are M Linear Loss scenario functions (every Linear Loss scenario function is defined by a Matrix of Scenarios). A new Maximum  Gain scenarios function is calculated by maximizing losses over -(Linear Loss)+(Expected Linear Loss)  functions (over M functions for every scenario).  CVaR Max Deviation for Gain is calculated by taking CVaR of the Maximum  Gain scenarios.

CVaR for Discrete Distribution as Function of Atom Probabilities


This function is similar to the standard CVaR function, but decision variables are probabilities of scenarios.


CVaR for Mixture of Normal Distributions as Function of Mixture Weights


This function calculates CVaR for a mixture of normal distributions as a function of variable weights in this mixture


CVaR  Recourse


CVaR of Recourse scenarios.  Recourse scenarios are obtained by solving LP at the second stage of two-stage stochastic programming problem for every scenario.

CVaR for Gain Recourse


CVaR of -(Recourse) scenarios.  Recourse scenarios are obtained by solving LP at the second stage of two-stage stochastic programming problem for every scenario.

CVaR Deviation Recourse


CVaR of (Deviation Recourse) = (Recourse-(Expected Recourse)) scenarios.  Recourse scenarios are obtained by solving LP at the second stage of two-stage stochastic programming problem for every scenario.

CVaR Deviation for Gain Recourse


CVaR of -(Deviation Recourse) = (-Recourse+(Expected Recourse)) scenarios.  Recourse scenarios are obtained by solving LP at the second stage of two-stage stochastic programming problem for every scenario.


VaR Group

Full Name

Brief Name

Short Description



Value-at-Risk for Linear Loss  scenarios, i.e., α%  percentile of Linear Loss scenarios.  

VaR for Gain


Value-at-Risk for -(Linear Loss ) scenarios, i.e., α%  percentile of -(Linear Loss) scenarios.

VaR Normal Independent


Special case of the VaR  when all coefficients in Linear Loss function are independent normally distributed random values.

VaR for Gain Normal Independent


Special case of the VaR for Gain  when all coefficients in Linear Loss function are independent normally distributed random values.

VaR  Normal Dependent


Special case of the VaR when all coefficients in Linear Loss function are mutually dependent  normally distributed random values. 

VaR for Gain Normal Dependent


Special case of the VaR for Gain when all coefficients in Linear Loss function are mutually dependent  normally distributed random values.

VaR Deviation


Value-at-Risk for (Linear Loss ) - (Average over Linear Loss scenarios) , i.e., α%  percentile of (Linear Loss) - (Average over Linear Loss scenarios) scenarios.  

VaR Deviation for Gain


Value-at-Risk for -(Linear Loss ) + (Average over Linear Loss scenarios) , i.e.,  α%  percentile of  -(Linear Loss) + (Average over Linear Loss scenarios) scenarios.  

VaR Deviation Normal Independent


Special case of the VaR Deviation when all coefficients in Linear Loss function are independent normally distributed random values.

VaR Deviation for Gain Normal Independent


Special case of the VaR Deviation for Gain when all coefficients in -(Linear Loss ) function are independent normally distributed random values

VaR Deviation Normal Dependent


Special case of the VaR Deviation when all coefficients in Linear Loss function are mutually dependent normally distributed random values

VaR Deviation for Gain Normal Dependent


Special case of the VaR Deviation for Gain when all coefficients in -(Linear Loss ) function are mutually dependent normally distributed random values

VaR for Mixture of Normal Independent


Consider a mixture of (random) Linear Loss functions with positive weights summing up to one. Coefficients in all  Linear Loss functions are independent normally distributed random values. avg_var_risk_ni is the VaR of the mixture of Normally Independent random values.

VaR for Gain for Mixture of Normal Independent


Consider a mixture of (random) Linear Loss functions with positive weights summing up to one. Coefficients in all  Linear Loss functions are independent normally distributed random values. avg_var_risk_ni_g is the VaR of the mixture of Normally Independent random values.

VaR Deviation for Mixture of Normal Independent


Consider a mixture of (random) Linear Loss functions with positive weights summing up to one. Coefficients in all  Linear Loss functions are independent normally distributed random values. avg_var_ni_dev is the VaR of the mixture of Normally Independent random values.

VaR Deviation for Gain for Mixture of Normal Independent


Consider a mixture of (random) Linear Loss functions with positive weights summing up to one. Coefficients in all  Linear Loss functions are independent normally distributed random values. avg_var_ni_dev_g is the VaR of the mixture of Normally Independent random values.

VaR  Recourse


VaR of Recourse scenarios. Recourse scenarios are obtained by solving LP at the second stage of two-stage stochastic programming problem for every scenario.

VaR for Gain Recourse


VaR of -(Recourse) scenarios.  Recourse  scenarios are obtained by solving LP at the second stage of two-stage stochastic programming problem for every scenario.

VaR Deviation Recourse


VaR of (Deviation Recourse) = (Recourse-(Expected Recourse)) scenarios.  Recourse  scenarios are obtained by solving LP at the second stage of two-stage stochastic programming problem for every scenario.

VaR Deviation for Gain Recourse


VaR of -(Deviation Recourse) = (-Recourse+(Expected Recourse)) scenarios.  Recourse  scenarios are obtained by solving LP at the second stage of two-stage stochastic programming problem for every scenario.


Maximum Group

Full Name

Brief Name

Short Description



Maximum of Linear Loss  scenarios.

Maximum for Gain


Maximum of -(Linear Loss ) scenarios.

Maximum Deviation


Maximum of ((Linear Loss ) - (Average over Linear Loss scenarios)) scenarios.

Maximum Deviation for Gain


Maximum of (-(Linear Loss ) + (Average over Linear Loss scenarios)) scenarios.

Maximum CVaR


There are  Linear  Loss  scenario functions (every Linear Loss scenario function is defined by a Matrix of Scenarios). new CVaR functions are calculated (for every Loss scenario function).  Maximum CVaR is calculated by taking Maximum over M CVaR functions.


Maximum CVaR for Gain


There are M Linear Loss scenario functions (every Linear Loss scenario function is defined by a Matrix of Scenarios). M new CVaR for Gain functions are calculated (for every -(Loss) scenario function).  Maximum CVaR for Gain is calculated by taking Maximum over M CVaR for Gain  functions (based on -(Loss) scenarios).

Maximum CVaR Deviation


There are M Linear Loss scenario functions (every Linear Loss scenario function is defined by a Matrix of Scenarios). M new CVaR Deviation functions are calculated (for every Loss scenario function).  Maximum CVaR Deviation is calculated by taking Maximum over M CVaR Deviation  functions.

Maximum CVaR Deviation for Gain


There are M Linear Loss scenario functions (every Linear Loss scenario function is defined by a Matrix of Scenarios). M new CVaR Deviation for Gain functions are calculated (for every -(Loss) scenario function).  Maximum CVaR Deviation for Gain is calculated by taking Maximum over M CVaR Deviation for Gain  functions (based on -(Loss) scenarios).

Maximum VaR


There are  Linear Loss scenario functions (every Linear Loss  scenario function is defined by a Matrix of Scenarios). new VaR functions are calculated (for every Loss scenario function).  Maximum VaR is calculated by taking Maximum over M VaR functions.

Maximum VaR for Gain


There are  Linear Loss scenario functions (every Linear Loss  scenario function is defined by a Matrix of Scenarios). new VaR for Gain functions are calculated (for every -(Loss) scenario function).  Maximum VaR for Gain is calculated by taking Maximum over M VaR for Gain functions.

Maximum VaR Deviation


There are  Linear  Loss  scenario functions (every Linear Loss scenario function is defined by a Matrix of Scenarios). new VaR Deviation  functions are calculated (for every Loss scenario function).  Maximum VaR Deviation is calculated by taking Maximum over M VaR Deviation  functions.

Maximum VaR Deviation for Gain


There are  Linear  Loss  scenario functions (every Linear Loss scenario function is defined by a Matrix of Scenarios). new VaR Deviation for Gain functions are calculated (for every -(Loss) scenario function).  Maximum VaR Deviation for Gain is calculated by taking Maximum over M VaR Deviation for Gain  functions (based on -(Loss) scenarios).

Maximum Recourse


Maximum over Recourse scenarios. Recourse scenarios are obtained by solving LP at the second stage of two-stage stochastic programming problem for every scenario.

Maximum for Gain Recourse


Maximum over -(Recourse) scenarios. Recourse scenarios are obtained by solving LP at the second stage of two-stage stochastic programming problem for every scenario.

Maximum Deviation Recourse


Maximum over (Recourse)-(Expected Recourse) scenarios. Recourse scenarios are obtained by solving LP at the second stage of two-stage stochastic programming problem for every scenario.

Maximum Deviation for Gain Recourse


Maximum over -(Recourse)+(Expected Recourse) scenarios. Recourse scenarios are obtained by solving LP at the second stage of two-stage stochastic programming problem for every scenario.


Mean Abs Group

Full Name

Brief Name

Short Description

Mean Absolute Error


Mean Absolute for Linear Loss scenarios function. Calculated by averaging over scenarios the absolute values of losses .

Mean Absolute Error Normal Independent


Mean Absolute of  Linear Loss function with independent normally distributed random coefficients.

Mean Absolute Error Normal Dependent


Mean Absolute of  Linear Loss function with mutually dependent normally distributed random coefficients.

Mean Absolute Risk


Mean Absolute for Linear Loss scenarios. (Mean Absolute) =Average Loss  + Mean Absolute Deviation.

Mean Absolute Risk for Gain


Mean Absolute  for Gain for Linear Loss scenarios. (Mean Absolute  for Gain) = -Average Loss + Mean Absolute Deviation.

Mean Absolute Risk Normal Independent


Mean Absolute when all coefficients in Linear Loss function are independent normally distributed random values. (Mean Absolute Normal Independent) =Average Loss  + Mean Absolute Deviation.

Mean Absolute Risk for Gain Normal Independent


Mean Absolute for Gain when all coefficients in Linear Loss function are independent normally distributed random values.. (Mean Absolute for Gain Normal Independent) = - Average Loss  + Mean Absolute Deviation.

Mean Absolute Risk Normal Dependent


Mean Absolute when all coefficients in Linear Loss function are mutually dependent normally distributed random values.. (Mean Absolute Normal Dependent) =Average Loss  + Mean Absolute Deviation.

Mean Absolute Risk for Gain Normal Dependent


Mean Absolute for Gain when all coefficients in Linear Loss function are mutually dependent normally distributed random values. (Mean Absolute for Gain Normal Dependent) = - Average Loss  + Mean Absolute Deviation.

Mean Absolute Deviation


Mean Absolute Deviation for Linear Loss scenarios.

Mean Absolute Deviation Normal Independent


Mean Absolute Deviation for Linear Loss function with independent normally distributed random coefficients.

Mean Absolute Deviation Normal Dependent


Mean Absolute Deviation for Linear Loss function with mutually dependent normally distributed random coefficients.

Mean Absolute Error for Recourse


Mean Absolute for  Recourse  scenarios function. Calculated by averaging over scenarios the absolute values of Recourse function. Recourse scenarios are obtained by solving LP at the second stage of two-stage stochastic programming problem for every scenario.

Mean Absolute Risk Recourse


Mean Absolute for Recourse scenarios. (Mean Absolute Recourse) = Average Recourse  + Mean Absolute Deviation of Recourse scenarios. Recourse scenarios are obtained by solving LP at the second stage of two-stage stochastic programming problem for every scenario.

Mean Absolute Risk for Gain Recourse


Mean Absolute for Gain for Recourse scenarios. (Mean Absolute for Gain Recourse) = -(Average Recourse)  + (Mean Absolute Deviation of Recourse scenarios). Recourse scenarios are obtained by solving LP at the second stage of two-stage stochastic programming problem for every scenario.

Mean Absolute Deviation Recourse


Mean Absolute Deviation for  Recourse scenarios. Recourse scenarios are obtained by solving LP at the second stage of two-stage stochastic programming problem for every scenario.

Partial Moment Group

Full Name

Brief Name

Short Description

Partial Moment


Expected  access of  Linear Loss over some fixed threshold.

Partial Moment for Gain


Expected  access of  -( Loss ) over some fixed threshold.

Partial Moment Normal Independent


Expected  access of  Linear Loss over some fixed threshold  for the Loss with independent normally distributed random coefficients.

Partial Moment for Gain Normal Independent


Expected  access of  - (Loss ) over some fixed threshold  for the Loss with independent normally distributed random coefficients.

Partial Moment Normal Dependent


Expected  access of Loss over some fixed threshold  for the Loss with mutually dependent normally distributed random coefficients.

Partial Moment for Gain Normal Dependent


Expected  access of  - (Loss ) over some fixed threshold  for the Loss with mutually dependent normally distributed random coefficients.

Partial Moment  Deviation


Expected  access of  ( (Loss ) - (Average Loss )) over some fixed threshold.

Partial Moment Gain Deviation


Expected  access of  (- (Loss ) + (Average Loss )) over some fixed threshold.

Partial Moment  Deviation Normal Independent


Expected  access of  ( (Loss ) - (Average Loss )) over some fixed threshold for the Loss with independent normally distributed random coefficients.

Partial Moment Gain Deviation Normal Independent


Expected  access of  ( - (Loss ) + (Average Loss )) over some fixed threshold for the Loss with independent normally distributed random coefficients.

Partial Moment  Deviation Normal Dependent


Expected  access of ( (Loss ) - (Average Loss ))  over some fixed threshold for the Loss with mutually dependent normally distributed random coefficients.

Partial Moment Gain Deviation Normal Dependent


Expected  access of   (- (Loss ) + (Average Loss ))  over some fixed threshold for the Loss with mutually dependent normally distributed random coefficients.

Average Partial Moment  Normal Independent


Consider a mixture of (random) Linear Loss functions with positive weights summing up to one. Coefficients in all  Linear Loss functions are independent normally distributed random values. Average Partial Moment Normal Independent is a weighted sum of Partial Moment  Normal Independent functions over all Loss functions in the mixture. The weighs in the sum are taken from the mixture of Loss functions.

Average Partial Moment  for Gain Normal Independent


Consider a mixture of (random) Linear Loss functions with positive weights summing up to one. Coefficients in all  Linear Loss functions are independent normally distributed random values. Average Partial Moment for Gain Normal Independent is a weighted sum of Partial Moment for Gain Normal Independent functions over all Loss functions in the mixture. The weighs in the sum are taken from the mixture of Loss functions.

Average Partial Moment Deviation Normal Independent


Consider a mixture of (random) Linear Loss functions with positive weights summing up to one. Coefficients in all  Linear Loss functions are independent normally distributed random values. Average Partial Moment Deviation Normal Independent is a weighted sum of Partial Moment  Deviation Normal Independent functions over all Loss functions in the mixture. The weighs in the sum are taken from the mixture of Loss functions.

Average Partial Moment Gain Deviation Normal Independent


Consider a mixture of (random) Linear Loss functions with positive weights summing up to one. Coefficients in all  Linear Loss functions are independent normally distributed random values. Average Partial Moment Gain Deviation Normal Independent is a weighted sum of Partial Moment Gain Deviation Normal Dependent functions over all Loss functions in the mixture. The weighs in the sum are taken from the mixture of Loss functions.

Partial Moment Two


Expected  squared Linear Loss in access of of some fixed threshold.

Partial Moment Twofor Gain


Expected  squared Linear -(Loss ) in access of of some fixed threshold.

Partial Moment Two  Normal Independent


Expected  squared Linear Loss in access of of some fixed threshold for Loss with independent normally distributed random coefficients.

Partial Moment Two for Gain Normal Independent


Expected  squared Linear -(Loss)  in access of of some fixed threshold for Loss with independent normally distributed random coefficients.

Partial Moment Two Normal Dependent


Expected  squared Linear Loss in access of of some fixed threshold for the Loss with mutually dependent normally distributed random coefficients.

Partial Moment Two for Gain Normal Dependent


Expected  squared Linear -(Loss ) in access of of some fixed threshold for the Loss with mutually dependent normally distributed random coefficients.

Partial Moment Two Deviation for Loss


Expected  squared access of  ((Loss ) - (Average Loss )) over some fixed threshold.


Partial Moment Two Deviation for Gain


Expected  squared access of  (-(Loss ) + (Average Loss )) over some fixed threshold.

Partial Moment Two Deviation Normal Independent


Expected  squared access of  ((Loss ) - (Average Loss )) over some fixed threshold for the Loss with independent normally distributed random coefficients.

Partial Moment Two Deviation for Gain Normal Independent


Expected  squared access of  (-(Loss ) + (Average Loss )) over some fixed threshold for the Loss with independent normally distributed random coefficients.

Partial Moment Two Deviation  Normal Dependent


Expected  squared access of  ((Loss ) - (Average Loss )) over some fixed threshold for the Loss with mutually dependent normally distributed random coefficients.

Partial Moment Two Deviation for Gain Normal Dependent


Expected  squared access of  (-(Loss ) + (Average Loss )) over some fixed threshold for the Loss with mutually dependent normally distributed random coefficients.

Partial Moment Two Max


There are M Linear Loss scenario functions (every Linear Loss scenario function is defined by a Matrix of Scenarios). A new Maximum Loss scenarios function is calculated by maximizing losses over  Linear Loss functions (over M functions for every scenario). Partial Moment Two Max is calculated by taking Partial Moment Two of the Maximum Loss scenarios.

Partial Moment Two Max  for Gain


There are M Linear Loss scenario functions (every Linear Loss scenario function is defined by a Matrix of Scenarios). A new Maximum Gain scenarios function is calculated by maximizing losses over Linear -(Loss) functions (over M functions for every scenario). Partial Moment Two Max for Gain is calculated by taking Partial Moment Two of the Maximum Gain scenarios.

Partial Moment Two Max Deviation


There are M Linear Loss scenario functions (every Linear Loss scenario function is defined by a Matrix of Scenarios). A new Maximum Deviation scenarios function is calculated by maximizing losses over (Linear Loss)-(Expected Linear Loss)  functions (over M functions for every scenario). Partial Moment Two Max Deviation is calculated by taking Partial Moment Two of the Maximum Deviation scenarios.

Partial Moment Two Max Deviation for Gain


There are M Linear Loss scenario functions (every Linear Loss scenario function is defined by a Matrix of Scenarios). A new Maximum Deviation for Gain scenarios function is calculated by maximizing losses over -(Linear Loss)+(Expected Linear Loss)  functions (over M functions for every scenario). Partial Moment Two Max Deviation for Gain is calculated by taking Partial Moment Two of the Maximum Deviation for Gain scenarios.

Partial Moment Recourse


Expected  access of Recourse scenarios over some fixed threshold.. Recourse scenarios are obtained by solving LP at the second stage of two-stage stochastic programming problem for every scenario.

Partial Moment for Gain Recourse


Expected  access of -(Recourse) scenarios over some fixed threshold. Recourse scenarios are obtained by solving LP at the second stage of two-stage stochastic programming problem for every scenario.

Partial Moment  Deviation Recourse


Expected  access of (Recourse)-(Expected Recourse) scenarios over some fixed threshold. Recourse scenarios are obtained by solving LP at the second stage of two-stage stochastic programming problem for every scenario.

Partial Moment Gain Deviation Recourse


Expected  access of -(Recourse)+(Expected Recourse) scenarios over some fixed threshold. Recourse scenarios are obtained by solving LP at the second stage of two-stage stochastic programming problem for every scenario.

Partial Moment Two Recourse


Expected  squared access of Recourse scenarios over some fixed threshold. Recourse scenarios are obtained by solving LP at the second stage of two-stage stochastic programming problem for every scenario.

Partial Moment Two for Gain Recourse


Expected squared access of -(Recourse) scenarios over some fixed threshold. Recourse scenarios are obtained by solving LP at the second stage of two-stage stochastic programming problem for every scenario.

Partial Moment Two Deviation Recourse


Expected squared access of (Recourse)-(Expected Recourse) scenarios over some fixed threshold. Recourse scenarios are obtained by solving LP at the second stage of two-stage stochastic programming problem for every scenario.

Partial Moment Two Deviation for Gain Recourse


Expected  squared access of -(Recourse)+(Expected Recourse) scenarios over some fixed threshold. Recourse scenarios are obtained by solving LP at the second stage of two-stage stochastic programming problem.


CDaR Group

Full Name

Brief Name

Short Description



For every time moment, j=1,...J ,  portfolio  drawdown = d(j) = maxn ((uncompounded cumulative portfolio return at time moment n ) - (uncompounded cumulative portfolio return at time moment j )). CDaR  = CVaR Component Positive of vector (d(1), ..., d(J)) = average of the largest (1-α)%  components of the vector (d(1), ..., d(J)), where 0≤α≤1 .

CDaR for Gain


For every time moment, j=1,...J ,  portfolio  -drawdown = -d(j) = maxn (-(uncompounded cumulative portfolio return at time moment n ) + (uncompounded cumulative portfolio return at time moment j )). CDaR  for Gain = CVaR Component Positive of vector (-d(1), ...,- d(J)) = average of the largest (1-α)%  components of the vector (-d(1), ..., -d(J)), where 0≤α≤1 .

Drawdown  Maximum


For every time moment, j=1,...J ,  portfolio drawdown = d(j) =  maxn ((uncompounded cumulative portfolio return at time moment n ) - (uncompounded cumulative portfolio return at time moment  j )). Drawdown Maximum = Maximum Component Positive of vector (d(1), ..., d(J)) =  largest  component of the vector (d(1), ..., d(J)).

Drawdown  Maximum for Gain


For every time moment, j=1,...J ,  portfolio -drawdown = -d(j) =  maxn (-(uncompounded cumulative portfolio return at time moment n ) + (uncompounded cumulative portfolio return at time moment  j )). Drawdown Maximum for Gain =  Maximum Component Positive of vector (-d(1), ...,- d(J)) =  largest  component of the vector (-d(1), ..., -d(J)).

Drawdown  Average


For every time moment, j=1,...J ,  portfolio drawdown = d(j) =  maxn ((uncompounded cumulative portfolio return at time moment n ) - (uncompounded cumulative portfolio return at time moment  j )). Drawdown Deviation  = average of components of the vector (d(1), ..., d(J)) .

Drawdown  Average for Gain


For every time moment, j=1,...J ,  portfolio -(drawdown) = -d(j) =  maxn (-(uncompounded cumulative portfolio return at time moment n ) + (uncompounded cumulative portfolio return at time moment  j )). Drawdown  Average for Gain =  average of components of the vector (-d(1), ...,- d(J)).

CDaR Multiple


Suppose we have k=1,..., K portfolio return sample-paths. For every sample-path k,  and every time moment, j=1,...J ,  portfolio drawdown = d(k,j) = maxn ((uncompounded cumulative portfolio return at time moment n on sample-path k ) - (uncompounded cumulative portfolio return at time moment j on sample-path k )). CDaR Multiple = CVaR Component Positive of the vector (d(1,1), ..., d(K,J)) = average of the largest (1-α)%  components of the vector  (d(1,1), ..., d(K,J)), where 0≤α≤1 .

CDaR for Gain Multiple


Suppose we have k=1,..., K portfolio return sample-paths. For every sample-path k,  and every time moment, j=1,...J ,  portfolio -drawdown = -d(k,j) = maxn (-(uncompounded cumulative portfolio return at time moment n on sample-path k ) + (uncompounded cumulative portfolio return at time moment j on sample-path k )). CDaR for Gain Multiple = CVaR Component Positive of the vector (-d(1,1), ..., -d(K,J)) = average of the largest (1-α)%  components of the vector  (-d(1,1), ..., -d(K,J)), where 0≤α≤1 .

Drawdown  Maximum Multiple


Suppose we have k=1,..., K portfolio return sample-paths. For every sample-path k,  and every time moment, j=1,...J ,  portfolio drawdown = d(k,j) = maxn ((uncompounded cumulative portfolio return at time moment n on sample-path k ) - (uncompounded cumulative portfolio return at time moment j on sample-path k )). Drawdown Maximum Multiple = maximum of components of the vector (d(1,1), ..., d(K,J))

Drawdown  Maximum for Gain Multiple


Suppose we have k=1,..., K portfolio return sample-paths. For every sample-path k,  and every time moment, j=1,...J ,  portfolio -drawdown = -d(k,j) =  maxn (-(uncompounded cumulative portfolio return at time moment n on sample-path k ) + (uncompounded cumulative portfolio return at time moment  j on sample-path k )). Drawdown Maximum for Gain Multiple = maximum of components of the vector (-d(1,1), ..., -d(K,J)) . 

Drawdown  Average Multiple


Suppose we have k=1,..., K portfolio return sample-paths. For every sample-path k,  and every time moment, j=1,...J ,  portfolio drawdown = d(k,j) =  maxn ((uncompounded cumulative portfolio return at time moment n on sample-path k ) - (uncompounded cumulative portfolio return at time moment  j on sample-path k )). Drawdown Average Multiple = average of components of the vector (d(1,1), ..., d(K,J))

Drawdown  Average for Gain Multiple


Suppose we have k=1,..., K portfolio return sample-paths. For every sample-path k,  and every time moment, j=1,...J ,  portfolio -drawdown = -d(k,j) =  maxn (-(uncompounded cumulative portfolio return at time moment n on sample-path k ) + (uncompounded cumulative portfolio return at time moment  j on sample-path k )). Drawdown Average for Gain Multiple = average of components of the vector (-d(1,1), ..., -d(K,J)) . 


Probability Group

Full Name

Brief Name

Short Description

Probability of Exceedance


Probability that Linear Loss  exceeds some fixed threshold.

Probability of Exceedance for Gain


Probability that Linear -(Loss ) exceeds some fixed threshold.

Probability of Exceedance Normal Independent


Probability that Linear Loss  exceeds some fixed threshold  for the Loss with independent normally distributed random coefficients.

Probability of Exceedance  for Gain Normal Independent


Probability that Linear -(Loss ) exceeds some fixed threshold  for the Loss with independent normally distributed random coefficients.

Probability of Exceedance  for Loss Normal Dependent


Probability that Linear Loss  exceeds some fixed threshold  for the Loss with mutually dependent normally distributed random coefficients.

Probability of Exceedance for Gain Normal Dependent


Probability that Linear -(Loss ) exceeds some fixed threshold  for the Loss with mutually dependent normally distributed random coefficients

Probability of Exceedance Deviation


Probability that (Loss)-(Average Loss) exceeds some fixed threshold.

Probability of Exceedance Deviation for Gain


Probability that -(Loss)+(Average Loss) exceeds some fixed threshold.

Probability of Exceedance Deviation  Normal Independent


Probability that  (Loss)-(Average Loss) exceeds some fixed threshold  for the Loss with independent normally distributed random coefficients.

Probability of Exceedance Deviation for Gain Normal Independent


Probability that -(Loss)+(Average Loss) exceeds some fixed threshold  for the Loss with independent normally distributed random coefficients.

Probability of Exceedance Deviation  Normal Dependent


Probability that  (Loss)-(Average Loss) exceeds some fixed threshold  for the Loss with mutually dependent normally distributed random coefficients

Probability of Exceedance Deviation for Gain Normal Dependent


Probability that  -(Loss)+(Average Loss) exceeds some fixed threshold  for the Loss with mutually dependent normally distributed random coefficients

Average Probability of Exceedance Normal Independent


Consider a mixture of (random) Linear Loss functions with positive weights summing up to one. Coefficients in all  Linear Loss functions are independent normally distributed random values. Average Probability of Exceedance Normal Independent is a weighted sum of Probability of Exceedance  Normal functions over all Loss functions in the mixture. The weighs in the sum are taken from the mixture of Loss functions.

Average Probability of Exceedance  for Gain Normal Independent


Consider a mixture of (random) Linear Loss functions with positive weights summing up to one. Coefficients in all  Linear Loss functions are independent normally distributed random values. Average Probability of Exceedance for Gain Normal Independent is a weighted sum of Probability of Exceedance for Gain Normal Independent functions over all Loss functions in the mixture. The weighs in the sum are taken from the mixture of Loss functions.

Average Probability of Exceedance Deviation  Normal Independent


Consider a mixture of (random) Linear Loss functions with positive weights summing up to one. Coefficients in all  Linear Loss functions are independent normally distributed random values. Average Probability of Exceedance Deviation Normal Independent is a weighted sum of Probability of Exceedance Deviation  Normal Independent functions over all Loss functions in the mixture. The weighs in the sum are taken from the mixture of Loss functions.

Probability of Exceedance Multiple


There are  Linear Loss scenario functions (every Linear Loss  scenario function is defined by a Matrix of Scenarios). A new Maximum Loss scenarios function is calculated by maximizing losses over  Linear Loss functions (over M functions for every scenario).  Probability of Exceedance Multiple is the Probability of Exceedance of the Maximum Loss scenarios. (Probability of Exceedance Multiple) = 1-(Probability that all  Linear Loss functions are below the threshold).

Probability of Exceedance for Gain Multiple


There are  Linear Loss scenario functions (every Linear Loss  scenario function is defined by a Matrix of Scenarios). A new Maximum -Loss scenarios function is calculated by maximizing losses over -Loss functions (over M functions for every scenario).  Probability of Exceedance for Gain Multiple is Probability of Exceedance  of the Maximum -Loss scenarios. (Probability of Exceedance for Gain Multiple) = 1-(Probability that all  Linear -(Loss) functions are below the threshold).

Probability of Exceedance Multiple Normal Independent


There are M Linear Loss scenario functions with independent normally distributed random coefficients.

Probability of Exceedance Multiple Normal Independent = 1-(Probability that all M Linear Loss functions are below the threshold).

Probability of Exceedance for Gain Multiple Normal Independent


There are M Linear Loss scenario functions with independent normally distributed random coefficients.

Probability of Exceedance for Gain Multiple Normal Independent = 1-(Probability that all M -(Loss) functions are below the threshold).

Probability of Exceedance Multiple Normal Dependent


There are M Linear Loss scenario functions with mutually dependent normally distributed random coefficients. Probability of Exceedance Multiple Normal Dependent = 1-(Probability that all M Linear Loss functions are below the threshold).

Probability of Exceedance for Gain Multiple Normal Dependent


There are M Linear Loss scenario functions with mutually dependent normally distributed random coefficients. Probability of Exceedance for Gain Multiple Normal Dependent = 1-(Probability that all M -(Loss) functions are below the threshold).

Probability of Exceedance Deviation  Multiple


There are M Linear Loss scenario functions (every Linear Loss scenario function is defined by a Matrix of Scenarios). A new Maximum Deviation Multiple scenarios function is calculated by maximizing losses over (Loss)-(Average Loss) functions (over M functions for every scenario). Probability of Exceedance Deviation Multiple is the Probability of Exceedance of the Maximum Maximum Deviation Multiple scenarios. (Probability of Exceedance Deviaiont Multiple) = 1-(Probability that all M (Loss)-(Average Loss)  functions are below the threshold).

Probability of Exceedance Deviation for Gain Multiple


There are M Linear Loss scenario functions (every Linear Loss scenario function is defined by a Matrix of Scenarios). A new Maximum Deviation for Gain Multiple scenarios function is calculated by maximizing losses over -(Loss)+(Average Loss) functions (over M functions for every scenario). Probability of Exceedance Deviation for Gain Multiple is the Probability of Exceedance of the Maximum Maximum Deviation for Gain Multiple scenarios. (Probability of Exceedance Penalty for Gain Multiple) = 1-(Probability that all M -(Loss)+(Average Loss)  functions are below the threshold).

Probability of Exceedance Deviation  Multiple Normal Independent


There are M Linear Loss scenario functions with independent normally distributed random coefficients.

Probability of Exceedance Deviation Multiple Normal Independent = 1-(Probability that all M (Loss)-(Average Loss) functions are below the threshold).

Probability of Exceedance Deviation  Multiple Normal Dependent


There are M Linear Loss scenario functions with mutually dependent normally distributed random coefficients. Probability of Exceedance Deviation Multiple Normal Dependent = 1-(Probability that all M (Loss)-(Average Loss) functions are below the threshold).

Probability of Exceedance Recourse


Probability that Recourse scenarios function exceeds some fixed threshold.  Recourse scenarios are obtained by solving LP at the second stage of two-stage stochastic programming problem for every scenario.

Probability of Exceedance  for Gain Recourse


Probability that -(Recourse) scenarios function exceeds some fixed threshold.  Recourse scenarios are obtained by solving LP at the second stage of two-stage stochastic programming problem for every scenario.

Probability of Exceedance Deviation  Recourse


Probability that (Recourse)-(Average Recourse) scenarios function exceeds some fixed threshold.  Recourse scenarios are obtained by solving LP at the second stage of two-stage stochastic programming problem for every scenario.

Probability of Exceedance Deviation for Gain Recourse


Probability that -(Recourse)+(Average Recourse) scenarios function exceeds some fixed threshold.  Recourse scenarios are obtained by solving LP at the second stage of two-stage stochastic programming problem for every scenario.


Standard Group

Full Name

Brief Name

Short Description

Root Mean Squared Error


Root Squared Error of Linear Loss scenarios calculated with Matrix of Scenarios or Expected Matrix of Products. By definition, it is an average of squared  loss scenarios.

Root Mean Squared Error Normal Independent


Root Squared Error of  Linear Loss with independent normally distributed random coefficients. It is calculated with Matrix of Means (one row matrix) and Matrix of Variances (one row matrix).

Root Mean Squared Error Normal Dependent


Root Squared Error of  Linear Loss with mutually dependent normally distributed random coefficients. It is calculated with  Matrix of Means (one row matrix) and Covariance Symmetric Matrix.

Standard Risk


(Standard Deviation of Linear Loss scenarios)+(Average of Linear Loss scenarios).  It is calculated with Matrix of Scenarios.

Standard Gain


(Standard Deviation of Linear Loss scenarios)-(Average of Linear Loss scenarios).  It is calculated with Matrix of Scenarios.

Standard Risk Normal Independent


(Standard Deviation of Linear Loss)+(Average of Linear Loss).  It is calculated with Matrix of Means (one raw matrix) and Matrix of Variances (one row matrix).

Standard Gain Normal Independent


(Standard Deviation of Linear Loss)-(Average of Linear Loss).  It is calculated with Matrix of Means (one raw matrix) and Matrix of Variances (one row matrix).

Standard Risk Normal Dependent


(Standard Deviation of Linear Loss)+(Average of Linear Loss). It is calculated with Matrix of Means (one row matrix) and Covariance Symmetric Matrix.

Standard Gain Normal Dependent


(Standard Deviation of Linear Loss)-(Average of Linear Loss). It is calculated with Matrix of Means (one row matrix) and Covariance Symmetric Matrix.

Standard Deviation


Standard Deviation of Linear Loss scenarios calculated with Matrix of Scenarios.

Mean Square Error

meansquare, meansquare_err

Mean Square of Linear Loss scenarios calculated with Matrix of Scenarios or Expected Matrix of Products.

Mean Square Error Normal Independent



Mean Square error of Linear  Loss with independent normally distributed random coefficients.   It is calculated with Matrix of Means (one row matrix) and Matrix of Variances (one row matrix).



Mean Square Error Normal Dependent



Mean Square error of Linear  Loss with mutually dependent normally distributed random coefficients. It is calculated with Matrix of Means (one row matrix) and Covariance Symmetric Matrix.




Variance of Linear Loss scenarios calculated with Matrix of Scenarios.

Root Squared Error Recourse


Root Squared Error of  Recourse scenarios. Recourse scenarios are obtained by solving LP at the second stage of two-stage stochastic programming problem for every scenario.

Standard Risk Recourse


(Standard Deviation of  Recourse scenarios)+(Average of Recourse scenarios). Recourse scenarios are obtained by solving LP at the second stage of two-stage stochastic programming problem for every scenario.

Standard Gain Recourse


(Standard Deviation of  Recourse scenarios)-(Average of Recourse scenarios). Recourse scenarios are obtained by solving LP at the second stage of two-stage stochastic programming problem for every scenario.

Standard Deviation Recourse


Standard Deviation of  Recourse scenarios. Recourse scenarios are obtained by solving LP at the second stage of two-stage stochastic programming problem for every scenario.

Meansquare Error Recourse


Meansquare error of Recourse scenarios. Recourse scenarios are obtained by solving LP at the second stage of two-stage stochastic programming problem for every scenario.

Variance Recourse


Variance of Recourse scenarios. Recourse scenarios are obtained by solving LP at the second stage of two-stage stochastic programming problem for every scenario.


Utilities Group

Full Name

Brief Name

Short Description

Exponential Utility


Exponential Utility function for Linear Loss scenarios calculated with Matrix of Scenarios.

Exponential Utility Normal Independent


Exponential Utility function for  Linear Loss with independent normally distributed random coefficients.

Exponential Utility Normal Dependent


Exponential Utility function for  Linear Loss with mutually dependent normally distributed random coefficients.

Logarithmic Utility


Log Utility function for Linear Loss scenarios calculated with Matrix of Scenarios.

Power Utility


Power Utility function for Linear Loss scenarios calculated with Matrix of Scenarios.


Error Group

Full Name

Brief Name

Short Description

Mean Absolute Error


Mean Absolute for Linear Loss scenarios function. Calculated by averaging over scenarios the absolute values of losses .

Mean Absolute Error Normal Independent


Mean Absolute of  Linear Loss function with independent normally distributed random coefficients.

Mean Absolute Error Normal Dependent


Mean Absolute of  Linear Loss function with mutually dependent normally distributed random coefficients.

Mean Square Error


Mean Square of Linear Loss scenarios calculated with Matrix of Scenarios or Expected Matrix of Products.

Mean Square Error Normal Independent


Mean Square error of Linear  Loss with independent normally distributed random coefficients.   It is calculated with Matrix of Means (one row matrix) and Matrix of Variances (one row matrix).


Mean Square Error Normal Dependent


Mean Square error of Linear  Loss with mutually dependent normally distributed random coefficients. It is calculated with Matrix of Means (one row matrix) and Covariance Symmetric Matrix.

Root Mean Squared Error


Root Squared Error of Linear Loss scenarios calculated with Matrix of Scenarios or Expected Matrix of Products. By definition, it is an average of squared  loss scenarios.

Root Mean Squared Error Normal Independent


Root Squared Error of  Linear Loss with independent normally distributed random coefficients. It is calculated with Matrix of Means (one row matrix) and Matrix of Variances (one row matrix).

Root Mean Squared Error Normal Dependent


Root Squared Error of  Linear Loss with mutually dependent normally distributed random coefficients. It is calculated with  Matrix of Means (one row matrix) and Covariance Symmetric Matrix.

Koenker and Basset Error


Koenker and Bassett error of Linear Loss scenarios calculated with Matrix of Scenarios. Used for estimation of Value-at-Risk (i.e., percentile) in Linear Regression.

Rockafellar Error


Rockafellar error of Linear Loss scenarios calculated with Matrix of Scenarios. Used for estimation of Mixed Value-at-Risk in Linear Regression. Conditional Value-at-Risk approximately equals the discrete Mixed Value-at-Risk and it can be estimated using  Rockafellar error in Linear Regression.

Lp Norm Stochastic


Lp norm for Linear Loss scenarios function.

CVaR2 Error


CVaR (Superquantile) Error, which is an element of CVaR (Superquantile) quadrangle (see [1]).


Distance between Distributions Group

Full Name

Brief Name

Short Description

Kolmogorov-Smirnov Distance between Two Distributions


Kolmogorov-Smirnov distance between  a discrete distribution with variable probabilities of atoms and a fixed discrete distribution (as function of variable probabilities). This distance is calculated by maximizing deference between two distributions.

Kolmogorov-Smirnov Distance from a Discrete Distribution to a Mixture of Normal Independent Distributions


Kolmogorov-Smirnov distance between a mixture of normal distributions with variable coefficients and a fixed discrete distribution  (as function of variable coefficients). This distance is calculated by maximizing deference between two distributions.

CVaR Kolmogorov-Smirnov Distance between Two Distributions


CVaR Kolmogorov-Smirnov distance between a discrete distribution with variable probabilities of atoms and a fixed discrete distribution  (as function of variable  probabilities). This distance is calculated by taking CVaR of absolute values of differences between two distributions at atoms of the two discrete distributions with probabilities proportional to the distances between atoms.

CVaR Kolmogorov-Smirnov Distance from a Discrete Distribution to a Mixture of Normal Independent Distributions


CVaR Kolmogorov-Smirnov distance between a mixture of normal distributions with variable coefficients and a fixed discrete distribution  (as function of variable coefficients). This distance is calculated by taking CVaR of absolute values of differences between two distributions at atoms of the fixed discrete distribution.

Average Kolmogorov-Smirnov Distance between Two Distributions


Kantorovich  (or Average Kolmogorov-Smirnov) distance  between a discrete distribution with variable probabilities of atoms and a fixed discrete distribution. This distance is calculated by taking the average of absolute values of differences between two distributions at atoms of the two discrete distributions with probabilities proportional to the distances between atoms.

Relative Entropy


Relative entropy where probabilities are variables


Log-Likelihood Group

Full Name

Brief Name

Short Description

Logarithms Exponents Sum


function in Logistic Regression