Contents | Index
- % -
- A -
Average Kolmogorov-Smirnov Distance between Two Distributions
Average Max Deviation for Gain
Average Partial Moment Deviation Normal Independent
Average Partial Moment Gain Deviation Normal Independent
Average Partial Moment Gain Normal Independent
Average Partial Moment Normal Independent
Average Probability of Exceedance Deviation Normal Independent
Average Probability of Exceedance Normal Independent
Average Probability of Exceedance Penalty Gain Normal Independent
- B -
Buffered Probability of Exceedance
- C -
Conditional Value-at-Risk minimization
Conditional Value-at-Risk minimization C++
Conditional Value-at-Risk minimization MATLAB
Conditional Value-at-Risk minimization Run-File
CVaR Deviation for Gain for Mixture of Normal Independent
CVaR Deviation for Gain Normal Dependent
CVaR Deviation for Gain Normal Independent
CVaR Deviation for Mixture of Normal Independent
CVaR Deviation Normal Dependent
CVaR Deviation Normal Independent
CVaR for Discrete Distribution as Function of Atom Probabilities
CVaR for Gain for Mixture of Normal Independent
CVaR for Gain Normal Dependent
CVaR for Gain Normal Independent
CVaR for Mixture of Normal Distributions as Function of Mixture Weights
CVaR for Mixture of Normal Independent
Cvar Kolmogorov-Smirnov Distance between Two Distributions
- D -
Distance between Distributions Group
Drawdown Average for Gain Multiple
Drawdown Maximum for Gain Multiple
- E -
Elements of Optimization Problem
Example Problem for C++ Environment
Exponential Utility Normal Dependent
Exponential Utility Normal Independent
- F -
- G -
- I -
- K -
Kolmogorov-Smirnov Distance between Two Distributions
- L -
List of Deterministic Functions
- M -
Main Concepts and Structure of PSG
Main Concepts of PSG in MATLAB
Mathematical Optimization Problem
MATLAB Programmatic PSG Toolbox
Maximum CVaR Deviation for Gain
Maximum VaR Deviation for Gain
Mean Absolute Deviation Normal Dependent
Mean Absolute Deviation Normal Independent
Mean Absolute Error Normal Dependent
Mean Absolute Error Normal Independent
Mean Absolute Normal Dependent Error
Mean Absolute Normal Independent Error
Mean Absolute Risk for Gain Normal Dependent
Mean Absolute Risk Gain Normal Independent
Mean Absolute Risk Normal Dependent
Mean Absolute Risk Normal Independent
Mean Square Error Normal Dependent
Mean Square Error Normal Independent
- N -
- O -
Optimization Example Problem with C++
- P -
Partial Moment Deviation Normal Dependent
Partial Moment Deviation Normal Independent
Partial Moment for Gain Normal Dependent
Partial Moment for Gain Normal Independent
Partial Moment Functions Group
Partial Moment Gain Deviation Normal Dependent
Partial Moment Gain Deviation Normal Independent
Partial Moment Normal Dependent
Partial Moment Normal Independent
Partial Moment Two Deviation for Gain
Partial Moment Two Deviation for Gain Normal Dependent
Partial Moment Two Deviation for Loss
Partial Moment Two Deviation Gain Normal Independent
Partial Moment Two Deviation Normal Dependent
Partial Moment Two Deviation Normal Independent
Partial Moment Two for Gain Normal Dependent
Partial Moment Two for Gain Normal Independent
Partial Moment Two Max Deviation
Partial Moment Two Max Deviation for Gain
Partial Moment Two Max for Gain
Partial Moment Two Normal Dependent
Partial Moment Two Normal Independent
Probability of Exceedance Deviation
Probability of Exceedance Deviation for Gain
Probability of Exceedance Deviation for Gain Multiple
Probability of Exceedance Deviation for Gain Normal Dependent
Probability of Exceedance Deviation Gain Normal Independent
Probability of Exceedance Deviation Multiple
Probability of Exceedance Deviation Multiple Normal Dependent
Probability of Exceedance Deviation Multiple Normal Independent
Probability of Exceedance Deviation Normal Dependent
Probability of Exceedance Deviation Normal Independent
Probability of Exceedance for Gain Multiple
Probability of Exceedance for Gain Multiple Normal Independent
Probability of Exceedance for Gain Normal Independent
Probability of Exceedance Gain Multiple Normal Dependent
Probability of Exceedance Multiple
Probability of Exceedance Multiple Normal Dependent
Probability of Exceedance Multiple Normal Independent
Probability of Exceedance Normal Independent
Probability of Exceedance Penalty for Gain
Probability of Exceedance Penalty Gain Normal Dependent
Probability of Exceedance Penalty Normal Dependent
Problem Description for C++ Environment
- Q -
- R -
Root Mean Squared Error Normal Dependent
Root Mean Squared Error Normal Independent
- S -
Special Subroutines in Toolbox
Standard Gain Normal Dependent
Standard Gain Normal Independent
Standard Risk Normal Dependent
Standard Risk Normal Independent
Start Working with PSG C++ Environment
Sum of Splines Function in Calculation
Sum of Splines Function in Optimization
- T -
Table of Deterministic Functions
- U -
- V -
VaR Deviation for Gain for Mixture of Normal Independent
VaR Deviation for Gain Normal Dependent
VaR Deviation for Gain Normal Independent
VaR Deviation for Mixture of Normal Independent
VaR Deviation Normal Dependent
VaR Deviation Normal Independent
VaR for Gain for Mixture of Normal Independent
VaR for Gain Normal Independent
VaR for Mixture of Normal Independent
- W -